TIBCO® Offer and Price Engine 6.0.0
TIBCO® Offer and Price Engine is a cloud-native, in-memory omnichannel server of offers and prices for digital service providers. It answers requests from a digital service provider's customer-facing channels for offers and prices, subject to business rules such as customer eligibility and product compatibility. TIBCO® Offer and Price Engine is the next generation product and partially replaces TIBCO® Fulfillment Order Management. To better align the direction of TIBCO® Fulfillment Order Management (TIBCO FOM) with market demand, the product’s capabilities have been reorganized into two new products: TIBCO® Order Management (TIBCO OM) and TIBCO® Offer and Price Engine (TIBCO OPE). Customers who are current on maintenance for TIBCO FOM are entitled to upgrade to both TIBCO OM and TIBCO OPE.