TwitterPublish Activity - Output Tab

The following is the output for the activity.

The output for the publish activity is returned in a form of objects and contains multiple attributes. For detailed information about the object, see Twitter Documentation at

Output Item Data Type Description
Status complex The twitter object user created using the publish activity. This tweet object contains complete information about the tweet such as tweet ID, created date, tweet text, favorite count, retweet count, etc.
User complex The twitter object user created using the publish activity. This tweet object contains complete information about the tweet like tweet ID, created date, tweet text, user details who created it, favorite count, retweet count, etc.
Note: This object is returned when Follow is selected as the publish type.
DirectMessage complex The DirectMessage object. This object contains complete information about a direct message like the recipient name, recipient ID, the sender ID, and sender name, etc.
Note: This object is returned when DirectMessage is selected as the publish type.