Case Access Classes

Case access classes are dynamically created classes, available in scripts (only), that allow you to access and retrieve case objects from the case data store.

If a business process contains a data field of type BOM Type or Case Class Reference that references a case class in a global BOM, a case access class is available in any scripts for each case class that exists in that global BOM.

Note: If the referenced Business Data project contains other global BOMs (.bom files), case access classes will not be available for case classes in those BOMs unless at least one of those case classes is used by the process in a data field.

Within a script, you can use content assistance to check which case access classes are available.

The format of a case access class name is:


For example, if a com.example.ordermodel case data model contains a Customer class, the corresponding case access class for the Customer class is called:


Each case access class exposes a set of methods that allow you to:

For example, this is the content assistance that shows the methods and attributes available on the cac_com_example_ordermodel_Order case access class shown below.