Finding Case Objects by Example

From within a script, use the find method on the appropriate case access class to return a list of case references whose searchable atributes match the searchable attributes set in a local data object instance of the case class.

Method syntax Description
find(localObject) Returns a single list containing all matching case references.
find(localObject,index,pageSize) Returns a paginated list of matching case references.


  • localObject is a local data object instance of the case class, containing one or more searchable attributes set to the values to be used to find matching case objects. If multiple searchable attributes are specified, the case objects must match all specified values.
    Note: You must use only searchable attributes. If you use any non-searchable attributes they will be ignored. If you use only non-searchable attributes the script will fail at runtime, with an BDSDAMissingCIDORSearchableAttributeException exception in the BPM log file.
  • index is the (zero-based) number of the first record to return in a paginated list.
  • pageSize is the number of records to return in each page of a paginated list. A value of -1 means return all records.
Note: These methods are not sophisticated enough to find case objects based on searchable attributes specified in global objects contained in a case data object. To do this, you must use the findByCriteria method. See Finding Case Objects by Criteria.


This example uses the following case class:

The script finds all the customers with a name of "Harris", and returns a list of references to them:

	// Create a local data object instance of the Customer case class.
	var customer = com_example_ordermodel_Factory.createCustomer();

	// Set the name field to the value you want to search on. 'name' must be a searchable attribute 
	// on the Customer class. 'address' is not searchable and so cannot be used. = 'Harris';

	// Get a list of all Customer case references that contain the name 'Harris'.
	var customerReferenceList = cac_com_example_ordermodel_Customer.find(customer);

	// You can now read the list of case references to obtain a list of corresponding Customer case data objects.
	var customerList =;

	// Then process matching customers.
	for (var ix = 0; ix < customerList.size(); ix++)
		var customer = customerList.get(ix);

		// process customer objects…