Package com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.pagebus.exceptions

Exception Summary
BadParametersException Contains the JavaScriptException for: OpenAjax.hub.Error.BadParameters Either a required argument is missing or an invalid argument was provided.
DisconnectedException Contains the JavaScriptException for: OpenAjax.hub.Error.Disconnected The specified hub has been disconnected and cannot perform the requested operation.
DuplicateException Contains the JavaScriptException for: OpenAjax.hub.Error.Duplicate Container with specified ID already exists.
ManagedEventChangeException The ManagedEvent setEventSourceId and setCacheEnabled methods may not be called while isRegistered is true.
ManagedEventDuplicateException A registration already exists for a ManagedEvent instance with the same topic value.
ManagedEventNotRegisteredException No registration exists for this ManagedEvent instance.
NoCacheException Contains the JavaScriptException for: PageBus.cache.Error.NoCache This topic is not being cached by the local hub instance.
NoContainerException Contains the JavaScriptException for: OpenAjax.hub.Error.NoContainer The specified ManagedHub has no such Container (or it has been removed).
NoSubscriptionException Contains the JavaScriptException for: OpenAjax.hub.Error.NoSubscription The specified ManagedHub or Container has no such subscription.
NotAllowedException Contains the JavaScriptException for: OpenAjax.hub.Error.NotAllowed Permission denied by manager's security policy.
NotJsonSerializableException The PageBusMessage must be JSON serializable for the current operation.
NullParameterException A null value was passed for a required parameter.
PageBusException Base class for PageBus exception classes for non-native error conditions.
PageBusNativeException Base class for PageBus exception classes that contain JavaScriptException objects thrown by the native PageBus.
WrongProtocolException Contains the JavaScriptException for: OpenAjax.hub.Error.WrongProtocol Wrong communications protocol identifier provided by Container or HubClient.

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