Uses of Class

Packages that use ManagedId

Uses of ManagedId in com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.types

Methods in com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.types that return ManagedId
static ManagedId ManagedId.toManagedId(long Id, long version)

Uses of ManagedId in

Methods in that return ManagedId
 ManagedId OpenWorkItem.getItem()
          The WorkListItem to open, retrieved by calling GetToDoList
 ManagedId GetOfferSet.getItem()
          Item to retrieve the offer set for.
 ManagedId CancelWorkItem.getItem()
          The ManagedId retrieved from a call to OpenWorkItem or OpenNextWorkItem

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ManagedId
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> PendWorkItemByPeriod.getItem()
          The Set of ManagedId Items to Pend, a list of items can be retrieved by calling GetToDoList
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> PendWorkItemByDate.getItem()
          The ManagedId Item to Pend, a list of items can be retrieved by calling GetToDoList
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> AllocateWorkItem.getItem()
          ManagedId to allocate.
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> SkipWorkItem.getItems()
          The Set of ManagedId Items to Skip, a list of items can be retrieved by calling GetToDoList
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> ReofferWorkItem.getItems()
          The Set of ManagedId Items to ReOffer, a list of items can be retrieved by calling GetToDoList
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> ReAllocateWorkItem.getItems()
          The set of ManagedId Items to ReAllocate, a list of items can be retrieved by calling GetToDoList
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> PrioritiseWorkItem.getItems()
          The Set WorkListItem to change priority for, retrieved by calling GetToDoList
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> GetOfferSetForMultipleItems.getItems()
          Items to retrieve the offer set for.
 java.util.Set<ManagedId> CloseWorkItems.getWorkItemIds()
          Set of ManagedID for the Work Items to close.

Constructors in with parameters of type ManagedId
CancelWorkItem(java.lang.String userId, ManagedId item, java.lang.String channelId, java.lang.String channelType)
          Constructs a new CancelWorkItem Action
GetOfferSet(ManagedId item)
          Constructs a new GetOfferSet Action
OpenWorkItem(ManagedId item, java.lang.String channelId, java.lang.String channelType, java.lang.String userId)
          Constructs a new OpenWorkItem Action

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ManagedId
AllocateWorkItem(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items, java.lang.String userId)
          Constructs a new AllocateWorkItem Action
CloseWorkItems(java.util.Set<ManagedId> ids)
          Constructs a new CloseWorkItems Action.
GetOfferSetForMultipleItems(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items)
          Constructs a new GetOfferSetForMultipleItems Action
PendWorkItemByDate(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items, java.util.Date pendDate)
          Constructs a new PendWorkItemByDate Action
PendWorkItemByPeriod(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items, int years, int months, int weeks, int days, int hours, int minutes)
          Constructs a new PendWorkItemByPeriod Action
PrioritiseWorkItem(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items, int priority, boolean absolute)
          Constructs a new PrioritiseWorkItem Action
ReAllocateWorkItem(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items, java.lang.String userId)
          Constructs a new ReAllocateWorkItem Action
ReofferWorkItem(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items)
          Constructs a new ReOfferWorkItem Action
SkipWorkItem(java.util.Set<ManagedId> items)
          Constructs a new SkipWorkItem Action

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