Approving or Rejecting a Commit Request from Worklist

Approve or reject requests after they are committed to RMS. You should have allow permission for the approval action type in the project’s access control file.


  1. Open the worklist window using any of the following methods:
    • Click WebStudio, with the down-pointing triangle in front of it, and select RMS > Show Worklist.
    • Right-click any artifact and select RMS > Show Worklist.
    • Click the Show Worklist icon in the RMS toolbar.

    The worklist window displays all the requests submitted for approval.
  2. To view the artifacts submitted for approval, click the triangle in front of the Revision ID. To examine the artifact before taking an action, double-click the artifact. The decision table or business rule displays in the editor.
  3. To take action on an artifact, click the Commited status under the Status column, and select a value from the Status drop-down list:
    • Approve
    • Reject
    A message field displays the error messages in the event of a problem.
  4. Click anywhere outside the drop-down menu and click Ok.