Deleting Workitems from Worklist

You can delete the workitems from your worklist, which are either in the Approve or Reject status.

The WebStudio displays the following error message if you try to delete any workitem revision which has even a single artifact in the Commit status:

Revisions having artifacts which are not yet approved cannot be deleted.
Note: Individual artifacts entry could not be deleted from the worklist. Only complete revisions could be deleted, after all its artifacts are in the Approve or Reject status.


Approve or reject the commit request before deleting the workitems from the worklist.


  1. Open the worklist window using any of the following methods:
    • Click WebStudio, with the down-pointing triangle in front of it, and select RMS > Show Worklist.
    • Right-click any artifact and select RMS > Show Worklist.
    • Click the Show Worklist icon in the RMS toolbar.

    The worklist window displays all the requests submitted for approval.
  2. Select the check box for one or more Revision IDs you need to delete.
  3. Select Delete from the drop-down list and click Apply. All the selected revisions are now deleted from your worklist and WebStudio displays the Revision(s) [Revision ID] successfully deleted message.