Viewing Differences between Committed and Previous Version of Artifact

View the updates that have been made in the committed version, from the previous approved version of the artifact in RMS, before approving or rejecting the request.


  1. Open the worklist window using any of the following methods:
    • Click WebStudio, with the down-pointing triangle in front of it, and select RMS > Show Worklist.
    • Right-click any artifact and select RMS > Show Worklist.
    • Click the Show Worklist icon in the RMS toolbar.

    The worklist window displays all the requests submitted for approval.
  2. To view the artifacts submitted for approval, click the triangle in front of the Revision ID.
  3. Right-click the modified artifact and select Diff with Previous Version.
    The updated artifact is displayed with the updates highlighted in different colors for addition, deletion, and modification. Refer to the legends displayed on the editor for the significance of each highlighted color. Hover the mouse pointer over the highlighted (modified) part to see the previous value.
  4. After viewing changes, open the worklist again to approve or reject the commit request (see Approving or Rejecting a Commit Request from Worklist).