Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.ConditionalColoring Namespace

Spotfire 14.4 API Reference
The Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals.ConditionalColoring namespace contains classes to create and maintain rule based coloring for visualizations.

Public classCategoricalColorRule
Represents a color rule for categorical coloring.
Public classCategoricalColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of CategoricalColorRule.
Public classColorBreakpoint
A ColorBreakPoint is a breakpoint in a gradient or segmented continuous scale. Instances of class ColorBreakpoint are contained in a ColorBreakpointCollection, and are used by a ContinuousColorRule.
Public classColorBreakpointPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ColorBreakpoint.
Public classColorBreakpointCollection
Class ColorBreakpointCollection represents a set of breakpoints in a gradient or segmented continuous scale. A ColorBreakPointCollection contains instanses of class ColorBreakpoint, and is used to define a ContinuousColorRule.
Public classColorBreakpointCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ColorBreakpointCollection.
Public classColorByOtherExpression
Class containing expression used to override default coloring expression. Implements the ExpressionColumn
Public classColorByOtherExpressionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ExpressionColumn.
Public classColoring
Represents a color scheme used to color a visualization. The Coloring class is a list of ColorRules. A Coloring will assign colors to values using first its rules, and if none of them match either the DefaultColor or EmptyColor will be used.
Public classColoringPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of Coloring.
Public classColoringCollection
Manages a set of Coloring instances, and mappings between CategoryKey values and Coloring instances. CrossTablePlot, TablePlot and HeatMap uses a ColoringCollection to assign colors.
Public classColoringCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ColoringCollection.
Public classColoringTemplateCollection
Collection class used to store templates used for coloring in visualizations. In a document, the template collection can be accessed at ColoringTemplates.
Public classColoringTemplateCollectionPropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ColorRule.
Public classColorRule
Class ColorRule is an abstract base class for rules used to modify the color of visualization items. ColorRules are contained within a Coloring instance.
Public classColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ColorRule.
Public classConditionalColorRule
ConditionalColorRule is a base class for rules that use a boolean condition to determine color.
Public classConditionalColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ConditionalColorRule.
Public classContinuousColorRule
Represents a color rule with gradients or fixed color intervals.
Public classContinuousColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ContinuousColorRule.
Public classExpressionColorRule
ExpressionColorRule represents a ColorRule that uses a custom expression to define where it is applied.
Public classExpressionColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ExpressionColorRule.
Public classRangeColorRule
RangeColorRule represents a ColorRule that is used to color all values within a range.
Public classRangeColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of RangeColorRule.
Public classStringColorRule
StringColorRule represents a ColorRule that is used to color strings by comparing them to another string.
Public classStringColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of StringColorRule.
Public classThresholdColorRule
ThresholdColorRule represents a ColorRule that is used to color all values by how they relate to a specified threshold.
Public classThresholdColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of ThresholdColorRule.
Public classTopBottomColorRule
TopBottomColorRule represents a ColorRule that colors the top or bottom n values.
Public classTopBottomColorRulePropertyNames
Contains property name constants for the public properties of TopBottomColorRule.

Public structureConditionValue
ConditionValue is used to specify values used in conditional coloring.

Public enumerationConditionValueType
The ConditionValueType describes the type of a ConditionValue.
Public enumerationIntervalMode
Appearance of the intervals between break points.
Public enumerationRuleComparisonOperator
Comparison operator for usage with ThresholdColorRule instances.
Public enumerationStringComparisonOperator
Comparison operator for usage with StringColorRule instances.