Class AxisData<Abscissa,Ordinate>

Type Parameters:
Abscissa - Represents the type of the abscissa (the x axis).
Supported types are Date and numerical types (subclasses of the Number class. e.g: Integer, Double, Float...).
Ordinate - Represents the type of the ordinate (the y axis).
Supported types are the same as the abscissa plus the Boolean type.

Note: When using the Date type the ticks that annotate the axis show only the day, month and year. It is possible when using the same date but with different hours or for dates that are close to each other for the points to be distinct but annotated with the same date.

public class AxisData<Abscissa,Ordinate> extends AbstractAxisData<Abscissa,Ordinate>
Represents the data for a line chart or a bar chart.
It contains multiple data points on a single axis.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AxisData

      public AxisData(Class<Abscissa> abscissaClass, Class<Ordinate> ordinateClass)
      The constructor for the axis data.

      The reason class parameters are required is because Java does not persist type information at runtime.
      This class is used to automatically set the appropriate axis options, and also perform a validation check in case of unsupported types.

      abscissaClass - the class representing the x axis type
      ordinateClass - the class representing the y axis type
  • Method Details