Class Line<Abscissa,Ordinate>

Type Parameters:
Abscissa - Represents the type of the abscissa (the x axis). Supported types are Date and Numerical types (subclasses of the Number class. e.g: Integer, Double, Float...).
Ordinate - Represents the type of the ordinate (the y axis). The ordinate supports all the types that the abscissa supports plus the Boolean type.

public class Line<Abscissa,Ordinate> extends Object
Represents a collections of points.
It is used inside an axis, as part of the line chart and bar chart data.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Line

      public Line(com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage label)
      Creates a line with the specified label.

      The label is shown on the legend and in the tooltip window.

  • Method Details

    • addPoint

      public void addPoint(Abscissa x, Ordinate y)
      Adds a point to the current line.