Interface AdaptationFilter

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public interface AdaptationFilter
Defines a specific filter over records.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accept(Adaptation aRecord)
    Returns whether or not a record is included in the filter result.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      boolean accept(Adaptation aRecord)
      Returns whether or not a record is included in the filter result.

      No assumptions should be made about the order that the records of the table are evaluated by this method (if sort criteria is set, the specified ordering can be applied before or after the evaluation of this filter).

      When the filter is used on large tables, it is important to implement a low-computation algorithm.

      In case of performance problems, a PrefilteredAdaptationFilter might give the query optimizer enough information to speed up the queries that use the AdaptationFilter.

      See Also: