Interface ApplicationConfigurator

public interface ApplicationConfigurator
Provides methods to register specific REST Toolkit JAX-RS application components and package scan boundaries.
  • Method Details

    • addPackages

      ApplicationConfigurator addPackages(Package... packages)
      Adds one or more packages which will be used to scan for resource, provider and feature classes.

      Packages will be scanned recursively.

      Calling this method is similar to calling addPackages(true, Package...).

      packages - an array of packages.
      the this object.
      See Also:
    • addPackages

      ApplicationConfigurator addPackages(boolean recursively, Package... packages)
      Adds one or more packages which will be used to scan for resource, provider and feature classes.

      Note: Only packages accessible from the web application's classloader can be scanned.

      recursively - can be scanned recursively.
      packages - an array of packages
      the this object.
      See Also:
    • addPackages

      ApplicationConfigurator addPackages(String... packageNames)
      Adds one or more fully qualified packages name which will be used to scan for resource, provider and feature classes.

      Packages will be scanned recursively.

      Calling this method is similar to calling addPackages(true, String...)

      packageNames - an array of fully qualified packages name.
      the this object.
      See Also:
    • addPackages

      ApplicationConfigurator addPackages(boolean recursively, String... packageNames)
      Adds one or more fully qualified packages name which will be used to scan for resource, provider and feature classes.

      Note: Only packages accessible from the web application's classloader can be scanned.

      recursively - can be scanned recursively.
      packageNames - an array of fully qualified packages name.
      the this object.
      See Also:
    • addProperties

      ApplicationConfigurator addProperties(Map<String,Object> properties)
      Adds custom application-wide properties.

      If any of the added properties already exists, the values of the existing properties will be replaced with the new values.

      properties - properties map to register
      the this object.
    • register

      ApplicationConfigurator register(Class<?> aClass)
      Registers a resource, provider or feature class.

      A class will be ignored and a warning log message produced if the requirements of root resources or provider/feature are not met.

      Classes registered through this method can be packaged inside or outside the web application archive.

      aClass - The class to register as a JAX-RS application's component.
      the this object.
    • register

      ApplicationConfigurator register(Object aSingleton)
      Registers a resource, provider or feature instance. Its fields and properties declared as dependencies (see Context) are injected by the runtime prior to use.

      A singleton will be ignored and a warning log message produced if the requirements of root resources or provider/feature are not met.

      The class of objects registered through this method can be packaged inside or outside the web application archive.

      aSingleton - The object to register as a JAX-RS application's singleton.
      the this object.