Interface URIBuilderForResource

public interface URIBuilderForResource
This class provides useful methods to generate URI to EBX® packaged resources.

For localized resources, methods that do not provide a Locale parameter will use the current request's locale (the one returned by method SessionContext.getLocale()).

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • buildForResource

      URI buildForResource(String aResourcePath)
      Builds a URI for the specified web resource.

      The built-in URI does not hold any query parameter.

      Calling this method is the same as calling this.fromResource(aResourcePath).build().

      See Also:
    • fromResource

      UriBuilder fromResource(String aResourcePath)
      Creates a new UriBuilder instance representing a URI initialized from this builder state and the provided resource path.

      Overriding already provided values is not supported and must be avoided. These values can be: the scheme, the host, the port, the root path or some query parameters

      aResourcePath - resource path interpreted as relative to the module (web application).
    • buildForResource

      URI buildForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Builds a URI of the specified web resource from the current module using current request's locale.

      Calling this method is same as calling this.fromResource(aResourceType, aResourceName).build();.

      See Also:
    • fromResource

      UriBuilder fromResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a new UriBuilder instance for the current module using current request's locale.

      Overriding already provided values is not supported and must be avoided. These values can be: the scheme, the host, the port, the root path or some query parameters.

      aResourceType - the resource type
      aResourceName - the resource name
      IllegalArgumentException - if the provided ResourceType is null
    • buildForResource

      URI buildForResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Builds a URI of the specified web resource from the current module for the specified locale.

      Calling this method is the same as calling this.fromResource(aResourceType, aResourceName, aLocale).build();.

      See Also:
    • fromResource

      UriBuilder fromResource(ResourceType aResourceType, String aResourceName, Locale aLocale) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a new UriBuilder instance for the current module.

      Overriding already provided values is not supported and must be avoided. These values can be: the scheme, the host, the port, the root path or some query parameters.

      aResourceType - the resource type
      aResourceName - the resource name
      aLocale - the locale to consider, can be null, for more details see URIBuilderForResource
      IllegalArgumentException - if the provided ResourceType is null
    • buildForResource

      URI buildForResource(SchemaNode aSchemaNode, Object aValue) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Builds a URI for a the web resource specified by a node value.

      Calling this method is the same as calling this.fromResource(aSchemaNode, aValue).build();.

      aSchemaNode - the schema node where the value comes from. It must be an osd:resource type.
      aValue - the value of the osd:resource type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the schema node or the value is not an osd:resource type.
      See Also:
    • fromResource

      UriBuilder fromResource(SchemaNode aSchemaNode, Object aValue) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a new UriBuilder instance for the current module and a node value.

      Overriding already provided values is not supported and must be avoided. These values can be: the scheme, the host, the port, the root path or some query parameters.

      aSchemaNode - the schema node where the value comes from. it must be an osd:resource type.
      aValue - the value of the osd:resource type.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the schema node or the value is not an osd:resource type.