Interface SchemaNodeDefaultView

public interface SchemaNodeDefaultView
Represents the osd:defaultView element associated with a node in a resolved data model.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the display mode defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/displayMode under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
    Returns true if the associated node is not selectable in the text and typed search tools of a dataset.
    Returns the tab order defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/tabOrder under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
    Returns the view for advanced selection defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/widget/viewForAdvancedSelection under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
    Returns the widget defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/widget under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
    Returns the custom widget factory defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/widget osd:class="" under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
    Returns true if the associated node is hidden in the default view of a dataset.
    Returns true if the associated node is hidden in all views of a table.
    Returns true if the associated node is hidden in all data services.
    Returns true if the associated node is hidden in the quick search tool.
  • Method Details

    • getWidget

      UIWidget getWidget()
      Returns the widget defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/widget under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo. Returns null if a custom widget is defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/widget osd:class="".
      See Also:
    • getWidgetFactory

      <T extends UIWidget> UIWidgetFactory<T> getWidgetFactory()
      Returns the custom widget factory defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/widget osd:class="" under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
      See Also:
    • getViewForAdvancedSelection

      String getViewForAdvancedSelection()
      Returns the view for advanced selection defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/widget/viewForAdvancedSelection under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
      See Also:
    • isHidden

      boolean isHidden()

      Returns true if the associated node is hidden in the default view of a dataset. A node is hidden in the default view of a dataset if it specifies in the data model the property

      under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.

    • isHiddenInAllViews

      boolean isHiddenInAllViews()

      Returns true if the associated node is hidden in all views of a table. A node is hidden in the all views of a table if it specifies in the data model the property

      under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.

    • getHiddenInSearch

      String getHiddenInSearch()
      Returns true if the associated node is not selectable in the text and typed search tools of a dataset.

      A node is not selectable in the text and typed search tools of a dataset if it specifies in the data model the property

      under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.

      Returns textSearchOnly if the associated node is not selectable only in the text search of a dataset but is selectable in the typed search.

      A node is not selectable only in the text search of a dataset if it specifies in the data model the property

      under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.

      Returns null if this node is not hidden in the search tools of a dataset.

    • isHiddenInDataServices

      boolean isHiddenInDataServices()

      Returns true if the associated node is hidden in all data services. A node is hidden in all data services if it specifies in the data model the property

      under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.

    • isHiddenInQuickSearch

      boolean isHiddenInQuickSearch()

      Returns true if the associated node is hidden in the quick search tool. A node is hidden in the quick search tool if it specifies in the data model the property

      under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.

    • getDisplayMode

      String getDisplayMode()
      Returns the display mode defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/displayMode under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.
    • getTabOrder

      Integer getTabOrder()
      Returns the tab order defined in the data model using the property osd:defaultView/tabOrder under the element xs:annotation/xs:appinfo.