Interface UIWidget

All Known Subinterfaces:
UIAtomicWidget, UIAtomicWithEnumeration, UIAtomicWithEnumerationItem, UICheckBox, UICheckBoxGroup, UIColorPicker, UIComboBox, UIDatasetSelector, UIDataspaceSelector, UIDateTime, UIDropDownList, UIListBox, UIPassword, UIRadioButton, UIRadioButtonGroup, UITable, UITextBox
All Known Implementing Classes:
UICustomWidget, UIListCustomWidget, UISimpleCustomWidget, UIWidgetFileUpload

public interface UIWidget
This interface is common to all EBX® model-driven widgets. These widgets are based on a data model node and are able to adapt their behavior to the data model definition (data type, display, user input validation, etc).

This interface must never be implemented except by the built-in widget. To implement a specific widget, please see UICustomWidget.

JavaScript type

The JavaScript type is specified in the Javadoc of each widget.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    setEditorDisabled(boolean disabled)
    Forces the widget to be in read-only mode if the specified argument is true.
  • Method Details

    • isEditorDisabled

      boolean isEditorDisabled()
      true if the widget is forced to display its read-only version, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • setEditorDisabled

      void setEditorDisabled(boolean disabled)
      Forces the widget to be in read-only mode if the specified argument is true. If the widget is hidden due to permissions, this method has no effect.

      By default, the widget will display its editable version only if the user is allowed to edit the node.

      Default value is false.

      disabled - true to force the widget to display its read-only version, false to let the system display the editor that corresponds to the current widget.