Interface ExplicitRelationship

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ExplicitRelationship extends Relationship
Represents an explicit relationship defined in a resolved data model. An explicit relationship is either a foreign key constraint, a selection link or an association link.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getOwnerNode

      SchemaNode getOwnerNode()
      Returns the node that defines the foreign key constraint, the selection link or the association link.
    • getResult

      Returns the result of the relationship, in the context of the specified record. Permissions are applied on the resulting records if this relationship has been retrieved using a session. As a consequence:
      • the returned records will be filtered using the access rules on records if any;
      • a QueryPermissionException will be thrown on execution if at least one forbidden node is used in the request.
      QueryPermissionException - if a session is provided and at least one forbidden node is used in the request.
    • getSchemaNodeExplicitRelationship

      SchemaNodeExplicitRelationship getSchemaNodeExplicitRelationship()
      Returns the foreign key constraint, the selection link or the association link associated with this explicit relationship.
      See Also: