Interface SearchTemplate

public interface SearchTemplate
The main interface to implement for a search template.


A search template is a configuration tool that supports:

  • Predefining the scope of a search.
  • Assigning field-level search strategies.


A search template must be registered and declared in the context of a ModuleSearchRegistrationContext.registerSearchTemplate(Supplier). After being registered, an instance of a search template can be accessed through its key using the manager.


After it is registered, a SearchTemplate must be configured in the Search extension of the DMA.


In this extension, the data modeler associates registered search templates to table fields; these fields constitute the scope of a search template. When an end user searches according to a template, the search is restricted to the template's scope. Note that a registered but non-configured SearchTemplate has no scope: a search using such a template returns no result.

Search strategy

The 'search' extension supports configuring instances of a search strategy and linking them to a field, in the scope of a template. When searching according to a template, each scoped field uses its corresponding strategy. If a field has no strategy defined, it uses the default strategy for its Type. A field can belong to multiple search templates. This way, a column can be associated with many search strategies.


The identifier of a search template is used as a parameter in a Request using osd:search XPath function. See Request.setXPathFilter(String)

  • Method Details

    • defaultKey

      static SearchTemplateKey defaultKey()
      Returns a search template key that identifies the default template.

      See SearchTemplateManager.getDefaultTemplate()

    • getTemplateKey

      SearchTemplateKey getTemplateKey()
      Returns the identifier of the search template.

      The returned SearchTemplateKey must contain the current module name.

      Define a public Java constant holding the template key.

    • getUserLabel

      UserMessage getUserLabel()
      Returns the label of this template.

      This localized label is used mainly in the Data Model Assistant to display a user-friendly label for this extension.

    • getUserDescription

      UserMessage getUserDescription()
      Returns the description of this template.

      This localized description is used mainly in the Data Model Assistant to display a user-friendly label for this extension.