Interface ModuleSearchRegistrationContext

public interface ModuleSearchRegistrationContext
Context for registering custom search resources in EBX®.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getModuleName

      String getModuleName()
      Returns the current module name.
    • registerSearchTemplate

      ModuleSearchRegistrationContext registerSearchTemplate(Supplier<SearchTemplate> aSearchTemplate)
      Registers a new search template supplier.

      Configure the template in the Search extension in the DMA.

      IllegalArgumentException - if:
      • The specified search template declaration is null.
      • The specified search template declaration specifies a key that belongs to another module.
      • The specified search template declaration does not specify a template .
      See Also:
    • registerStopWords

      ModuleSearchRegistrationContext registerStopWords(StopWordsDeclaration aDeclaration, List<String> stopWords)
      Registers a new list of stop words under a given declaration.

      A field-level search strategy like 'Name' or 'Text' can be parameterized with a stop word list. All the words in the list are then ignored when searching. Tuning a search strategy with the appropriate stop words helps with performance and relevancy of the search.


      Use the key in the declaration when configuring a custom field-level search strategy in the Search extension of the data model assistant. Then select a compatible field, and assign the new search strategy in the 'Extensions' tab.

      Code sample

      In the implementation of ModuleRegistration.handleSearchRegistration(ModuleSearchRegistrationContext):

       StopWordsDeclaration decl = StopWordsDeclaration.of(
              UserMessage.createInfo("a label"),
              UserMessage.createInfo("a description"));
       aContext.registerStopWords(addressStopWordsDeclaration, Arrays.asList("sw1", "sw2"));
      IllegalArgumentException - if:
      • The specified stop word declaration is null.
      • The specified stop word declaration specifies a key that does not belong to any module.
      • The specified stop word declaration specifies a key that belongs to another module.
    • registerSynonyms

      ModuleSearchRegistrationContext registerSynonyms(SynonymDeclaration aDeclaration, List<SynonymPair> someSynonyms)
      Registers a new list of synonyms under a given declaration.

      A field-level search strategy like 'Name' or 'Text' can be parameterized with a synonyms list. Each pair of words in the list are then considered the same when searching.


      Use the key in the declaration when configuring a custom field-level search strategy in the Search extension of the data model assistant. Then select a compatible field, and assign the new search strategy in the 'Extensions' tab.

      Code sample

      The following sample declares 'Michael', 'Mike' and 'Mickael' as synonyms. Note that choosing the same word in the 'output' parameter of the SynonymPair allows 'Michael' to be considered as the synonym of 'Mickael' by transitivity. In the implementation of ModuleRegistration.handleSearchRegistration(ModuleSearchRegistrationContext):

       SynonymDeclaration decl = SynonymDeclaration.of(SynonymsKey.parse("myModuleName@synonymsList"),
              UserMessage.createInfo("a label"),
              UserMessage.createInfo("a description"));
       List someSynonyms = Arrays.asList(
              SynonymPair.newPair("Michael", "Mike"),
              SynonymPair.newPair("Mickael", "Mike"));
       aContext.registerSynonyms(decl, someSynonyms);
      IllegalArgumentException - if:
      • The specified synonym declaration is null.
      • The specified synonym declaration specifies a key that does not belong to any module.
      • The specified synonym declaration specifies a key that belongs to another module.