Interface AccessRule

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AccessRule
Specifies a programmatic access rule.

Access rules are set by the methods setAccessRule... in the class SchemaExtensionsContext.

To specify a programmatic access rule applying in a creation context only, the AccessRuleForCreate interface should be used instead.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final AccessRule ALWAYS_READ_WRITE
      Always returns read-write access permission.

      static final AccessRule ALWAYS_READ_ONLY
      Always returns read-only access permission.

      static final AccessRule ALWAYS_HIDDEN
      Always returns hidden access permission.
  • Method Details

    • getPermission

      AccessPermission getPermission(Adaptation aDataSetOrRecord, Session aSession, SchemaNode aNode)
      Returns permissions for the specified arguments.

      Warning: if this AccessRule is assigned to a table record, this method is called in multiple contexts:

      1. To evaluate table "column" permissions; in this case, aDataSetOrRecord is the current dataset.
      2. To evaluate the node permissions of a specific existing record; in this case, aDataSetOrRecord is the current record.
      3. To evaluate the node permissions in a record creation context (meaning that the record does not exist yet); in this case, aDataSetOrRecord is the current dataset.
      4. Furthermore, if table history is activated, this method will also be invoked in the context of the history view in the first two cases above. In the context of the history view, some fields may be absent and the expected permissions can be different from those in other contexts. Consequently, the implementation of this method may need to check if it is being invoked from the history view. For more information, see Permissions for table history.
      aDataSetOrRecord - current dataset or record (see warning above)
      aSession - current user session
      aNode - current data model node whose access must be computed; when the permission is requested for the dataset itself (not a particular node), this is the root node
      a permission, never null.
      See Also: