Class Profile

Direct Known Subclasses:
Role, UserReference

public abstract class Profile extends Object
Identifies a user profile for permission management. There are three types of profiles:
  • A built-in role gives generic permissions in EBX®.
  • A specific role is defined by a specific instance of Directory. For example, product manager, accountant.
  • A user reference identifies a specific user by its login.

The relationship between each user and the roles he has is defined by the method DirectoryHandler.isProfileIncluded(Profile, Profile).

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final Role ADMINISTRATOR
      Built-in 'Administrator' role. The administrator role allows performing general administration tasks.

      public static final Role READ_ONLY
      Built-in read-only role.

      A user with the role read-only generally has no rights to perform any modifications in the EBX® repository (unless a procedure has explicitly deactivated access right controls, see ProcedureContext.setAllPrivileges(boolean)).

    • OWNER

      public static final Role OWNER
      The dynamic built-in 'Owner' role. A user is in the 'Owner' role when in a given dataset A and is in the "owner" profile defined by the root dataset of A.
      See Also:

      public static final Role EVERYONE
      Built-in role, all users have this role.
  • Method Details

    • forBuiltInRole

      public static Role forBuiltInRole(String roleName) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the built-in role identified by the name specified.

      Note: the recommended method of accessing a built-in role is through the available constants defined by this class: EVERYONE, ADMINISTRATOR, READ_ONLY, etc.

      roleName - unique and persistent identifier of the specific role in the directory
      IllegalArgumentException - if the name specified does not correspond to a built-in role
      See Also:
    • forSpecificRole

      public static Role forSpecificRole(String roleName) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the specific role identified by the name specified.

      Note: Calling this method does not imply that it returns a role that is actually defined in the current directory. The actual existence of a role is actually checked by the method DirectoryHandler.isSpecificRoleDefined(Role) (or DirectoryHandler.isProfileDefined(Profile)).

      roleName - unique and persistent identifier of the specific role in the directory, corresponds to Role.getRoleName().
      See Also:
    • forUser

      public static UserReference forUser(String aUserId)
      Returns the specified user reference.

      Note: Calling this method does not imply that it returns a user that is actually defined in the current directory. The actual existence of a user is actually checked by the method DirectoryHandler.isUserDefined(UserReference).

      aUserId - a unique identifier of a user (usually its login), corresponds to UserReference.getUserId().
      See Also:
    • forUserWithSpecificPrivilege

      public static UserReference forUserWithSpecificPrivilege(String userId, ServiceKey servicePrivilegeGranted)
      Returns the user reference specified, with the specific privilege granted.

      A privilege is useful when a user usually does not have the permissions to perform an operation, except in the context of a particular session. Concretely, such a session must have been granted the specific privilege in the method Directory.authenticateUserFromHttpRequest(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) or Directory.authenticateUserFromArray(Object[]).

      The following services can be specified for granting actual privileges:

      userId - a unique identifier of a user (usually its login)
      servicePrivilegeGranted - grants the user the privilege of executing the service specified
    • forUserWithSpecificPrivileges

      public static UserReference forUserWithSpecificPrivileges(String userId, Set<ServiceKey> servicePrivileges)
      Returns the user reference specified, with the specific privileges granted.

      See the method forUserWithSpecificPrivilege(String, ServiceKey) for the list of the supported privileges.

      userId - the unique identifier of a user (usually its login)
      servicePrivileges - set of ServiceKeys, grants the user the privilege of executing the services specified
    • parse

      public static Profile parse(String aString) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Analyzes a string that has been created using format() and returns the corresponding profile.

      Note: To explicitly get either a specific role or a user reference, the following methods must be called instead of this one: forSpecificRole(String), forUser(String).

      IllegalArgumentException - If aString is invalid.
      See Also:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object anObject)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • isBuiltIn

      public boolean isBuiltIn()
      Returns true if this profile is a built-in role.
      See Also:
    • isBuiltInAdministrator

      public boolean isBuiltInAdministrator()
      Returns true if this Profile is the built-in "Administrator" role.

      See Also:
    • isBuiltInReadOnly

      public boolean isBuiltInReadOnly()
      Returns true if this Profile is the built-in read-only role.

      See Also:
    • isBuiltInEveryone

      public boolean isBuiltInEveryone()
      Returns true if this Profile is the built-in "Everyone" role.

      See Also:
    • isBuiltInOwner

      public boolean isBuiltInOwner()
      Returns true if this Profile is the built-in "Owner" role.

      See Also:
    • isSpecificRole

      public boolean isSpecificRole()
      Returns true if this profile is a specific role.
      See Also:
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Returns the label of this profile.
      • For a built-in role or a specific role, returns the role name.
      • For a user reference, returns the user identifier.
      The returned string should not be considered to be an identifier (for an identifier, use the method format()).
    • isUserReference

      public boolean isUserReference()
      Returns true if this profile references a user.
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • format

      public String format()
      Serializes a profile reference to a String.

      The string returned by this method can be persisted and should be used as an argument of the method parse(String) in order to recreate profile references.

      See Also: