Class ServiceKey


public class ServiceKey extends Object
Identifies a user service.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to perform an association attachment.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to perform an association detachment.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to perform an association move.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to close a dataspace or snapshot.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to compare data: The user is directed to the comparison interface.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to create a table record: the user is directed to a page in order to a new record in the selected table.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to access a table record or a dataset.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to duplicate a table record.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to export data from EBX® to CSV format.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to export data from EBX® to XML format.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to attach nodes in a hierarchical view.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to detach nodes in a hierarchical view.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to edit the record that links two hierarchy nodes.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to perform a mass move of nodes in a hierarchical view.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to import data from a CSV file into EBX®.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to import data from an XML file into EBX®.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service makes a record inherit from the parent dataset.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to perform a mass update of records.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to perform a mass delete of records.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to merge a dataspace into its parent: the user is directed to the merge user interface in order to merge the selected dataspace into its parent dataspace.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to display the merge view: the user is directed to the merge user interface in order to detect differences and conflicts without performing the merge of the selected dataspace into its parent.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to access current user's profile settings.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to edit the record that links an associated object to its parent record.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to optimize and refactor data in EBX®.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service makes a record overwrite from inheritance of the parent dataset.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to refresh replicas for replicated tables.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to select a dataspace: the user is directed to a page in order to work with the selected dataspace.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to validate a dataspace, snapshot, dataset, table or record: the user is directed to the validation report of the selected entity.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to view table or row history.
    static final ServiceKey
    Built-in service to access the data workflows user interface.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    equals(Object anObject)
    Returns a persistent identifier for this service key.
    static ServiceKey
    forModuleServiceName(String moduleName, String serviceName)
    Returns the identifier of a service defined in a module (user service on branches or versions, for more information see the class comment).
    static ServiceKey
    forName(String serviceName)
    Returns the identifier of a service defined in a data model (user service on datasets or records, for more information see the class comment).
    Returns the full name of the service.
    Returns the local name of the service, by removing the prefix before and including the '@' character.
    Returns true if this instance identifies a built-in service.
    Returns true if this key identifies a service declared in a data model.
    static ServiceKey
    parse(String aString)
    Returns the service key that corresponds to the specified string.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • forName

      public static ServiceKey forName(String serviceName)
      Returns the identifier of a service defined in a data model (user service on datasets or records, for more information see the class comment).
      serviceName - name of the service in the data model (as defined by the attribute /xs:schema/xs:complexType/@name)
      See Also:
    • forModuleServiceName

      public static ServiceKey forModuleServiceName(String moduleName, String serviceName)
      Returns the identifier of a service defined in a module (user service on branches or versions, for more information see the class comment).
      moduleName - name of the module (as defined by the element /module/name in the document located at /WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml).
      serviceName - name of the service in the module (as defined by the attribute /module/services/service/@name in the document /WEB-INF/ebx/module.xml).
    • parse

      public static ServiceKey parse(String aString)
      Returns the service key that corresponds to the specified string.

      The specified string is generally generated by the method format().

      IllegalArgumentException - if specified string is incorrect.
    • isBuiltInService

      public boolean isBuiltInService()
      Returns true if this instance identifies a built-in service.
    • isIdentifierInDataModel

      public boolean isIdentifierInDataModel()
      Returns true if this key identifies a service declared in a data model.
      See Also:
    • getModuleName

      public String getModuleName()
    • getServiceName

      public String getServiceName()
      Returns the local name of the service, by removing the prefix before and including the '@' character.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the full name of the service.
    • format

      public String format()
      Returns a persistent identifier for this service key.

      The service key can be re-obtained by parsing this persistent identifier using the method parse(String).

    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object anObject)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object