Interface ValidationReportItemSubjectForAdaptation

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ValidationReportItemSubjectForAdaptation extends ValidationReportItemSubject
Represents the subject of a validation report item in the context of a dataset or record.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSchemaNode

      SchemaNode getSchemaNode()
      Returns the node that is associated with this item.
    • getAdaptation

      Adaptation getAdaptation()
      Returns the dataset or record containing the node associated with this validation item. It may be null in the following cases:
      • if the containing dataspace has been closed,
      • if the dataset has been deleted.
      • if the record has been deleted,
    • getPathInAdaptation

      Path getPathInAdaptation()
      Returns the path in the dataset or record associated with this validation item. The path can be indexed if the associated node is a list.