Interface DifferenceBetweenContents

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DifferenceBetweenInstances, DifferenceBetweenOccurrences

public interface DifferenceBetweenContents extends Difference
Abstract class for representing differences between two datasets or two records.
  • Method Details

    • getNodeDifference

      NodeDifference getNodeDifference(Path aNodePath)
      Returns the difference for the specified node, null if there is no difference.

      If the specified node is a complex node and not an aggregated list, this method always returns null, since differences are only detected at the simple node level and at the aggregated list level. Additionally, if the specified node is under an aggregated list, this method also always returns null

    • getNodeDifferences

      List<NodeDifference> getNodeDifferences()
      Returns a List of NodeDifference.
    • getNodeDifferencesSize

      int getNodeDifferencesSize()
      Returns the total number of delta values.
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Description copied from interface: Difference
      Returns true if there are no differences.
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Difference
    • collectNodeDifferences

      void collectNodeDifferences(Collection<? super NodeDifference> aCollection)
      Adds node differences to the specified collection.
      See Also:
    • getContentOnLeft

      Adaptation getContentOnLeft()
      Returns the content on the left side.
    • getContentOnRight

      Adaptation getContentOnRight()
      Returns the content on the right side.
    • getNodeDifferenceOnTargetChangeSet

      NodeDifference getNodeDifferenceOnTargetChangeSet(NodeDifference nodeDifferenceOnSource, DifferenceBetweenHomes targetChangeSet)