Class DirectoryDefault


public class DirectoryDefault extends Directory
The default internal directory implementation that is delivered with EBX®.

Extending this class

This class can be extended to authenticate users without using the default directory.

Note that this is not the recommended method and some conditions apply. The proper method is to extend Directory.

If overriding one of the authenticateUserFrom... methods to use an alternative user directory, user login must be synchronized between this other directory and the ebx-directory instance. This means that users login must be present in both directories.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static DirectoryDefault getInstance(Repository aRepository)
      Returns the default internal directory instance that is delivered with EBX®. Returns null if a custom directory implementation is used.
      aRepository - EBX® repository.
    • encryptString

      public static String encryptString(String s)
      Returns the encrypted string corresponding to the "clear" password specified. This is the default encryption function used by this directory (see authenticateUserFromLoginPassword(String, String)), and also by the user interface component associated with the data type osd:password.

      A SHA-512 algorithm is used. The value to be hash should already have been salted if needed before calling this method.

      See Also:
    • hashPassword

      public static String hashPassword(String login, String password)
      Returns the SHA-512 hash of the password, and uses the login as salt.
    • formerEncryptString

      public static String formerEncryptString(String s)
      Returns the encrypted string corresponding to the 'clear-text' password specified, as per releases prior to 6.0.2. This was the default encryption function used by this directory, and also by the user interface component associated with the data type osd:password in previous versions. This method must not be used outside the purpose of checking old stored encryption. In particular, this method may not be used with a string having a length greater than 60, as there are some risks of hash collision.
      See Also:
    • getAllSpecificRoles

      public List<Role> getAllSpecificRoles()
      Returns all the specific roles defined by this directory.
      a List of Role instances.
    • getAllUserReferences

      public List<UserReference> getAllUserReferences()
      Returns all the users defined by this directory.
      a List of UserReference instances.
    • getRoleDescription

      public String getRoleDescription(Role aRole, Locale aLocale)
      Returns the specific role description.
    • getRoleEmail

      public String getRoleEmail(Role aRole)
      Returns the email address of the specified role.
      getRoleEmail in class Directory
    • getRolesForUser

      public List<Role> getRolesForUser(UserReference userReference)
      Returns the specific roles of the specified user.
      See Also:
    • isUserDefined

      public boolean isUserDefined(UserReference aUserReference)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns true if the specified user actually exists in this directory.
      Specified by:
      isUserDefined in class Directory
      See Also:
    • isSpecificRoleDefined

      public boolean isSpecificRoleDefined(Role aRole)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns true if the specific role exists in this directory.
      Specified by:
      isSpecificRoleDefined in class Directory
      See Also:
    • authenticateUserFromLoginPassword

      public UserReference authenticateUserFromLoginPassword(String aLogin, String aPassword)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Authenticates a user using the login and password specified.

      Note: For the EBX® user interface, the full authentication process is detailed in the class UIHttpManagerComponent. This method can also be called by a client application through Repository.createSessionFromLoginPassword(String, String).

      Specified by:
      authenticateUserFromLoginPassword in class Directory
      the user reference corresponding to the specified login/password, or null if login does not exist or password is incorrect.
    • isUserInRole

      public boolean isUserInRole(UserReference aUserReference, Role aRole)
      Returns true if the user has the specified role. The method must return false if the user does not exist.

      Warning: If this method is to be overridden, built-in roles must not be omitted.

      Specified by:
      isUserInRole in class Directory
      See Also:
    • isRoleStrictlyIncluded

      public boolean isRoleStrictlyIncluded(Role aRole, Role anotherRole)
      Returns true when aRole is included in anotherRole.
      isRoleStrictlyIncluded in class Directory
      See Also:
    • getUserEmail

      public String getUserEmail(UserReference aUserReference)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns the email address of the specified user, null if unknown.

      The default implementation of this method always returns null.

      getUserEmail in class Directory
    • getProfiles

      public List<Profile> getProfiles(ProfileListContext aProfileContext)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns a list of all profiles according to the specified context.

      The profiles returned have some restrictions:

      Specified by:
      getProfiles in class Directory
      a List of profiles
    • getUsersInRole

      public List<UserReference> getUsersInRole(Role aRole)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns all users that belong to the specified role.

      Default implementation throws an exception: this method must be overridden.

      getUsersInRole in class Directory
      a List of UserReference, each responding true to method Directory.isUserInRole(UserReference, Role).
    • hasUsersInRole

      public boolean hasUsersInRole(Role aRole)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns true if one or more users have the specified role.

      Default implementation is not optimized as it is equivalent to calling:


      This method should be overridden in case of performance issues.

      hasUsersInRole in class Directory
    • displaySpecificRole

      public String displaySpecificRole(Role aSpecificRole, Locale aLocale)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns a label for this specific role.

      Any implementation of this method should handle the case where the role no longer exists in the directory (due to having been deleted). In this case, this method is expected to return a label indicating that the specified role is unknown.

      The default implementation of this method uses the name of the role.

      displaySpecificRole in class Directory
      See Also:
    • displayUser

      public String displayUser(UserReference aUserReference, Locale aLocale)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns a label for the specified user.

      Implementation recommendations:

      • Since the returned label is used in lists, for example for setting permissions or ownership, it is recommended for it to contain at least the identifier of the user.
      • Any implementation of this method should handle the case where the user no longer exists in the directory (due to having been removed from the directory). In this case, it is expected for this method to return a particular label indicating that the specified user is unknown.

      The default implementation of this method simply displays the identifier of the user (and mentions that it is "unknown", if the user is not defined).

      displayUser in class Directory
      See Also:
    • displayUserWithSalutation

      public String displayUserWithSalutation(UserReference aUserReference, Locale aLocale)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns a label for the specified user so that it can be used in the user interface. For example, it is displayed by the EBX® user interface in the user interface header.

      The default implementation of this method invokes the method Directory.displayUser(UserReference, Locale).

      A custom implementation could display a salutation with first and last names, for example "Mr. Andrew Smith".

      displayUserWithSalutation in class Directory
    • getUserAvatarURI

      public URI getUserAvatarURI(UserReference aUserReference)
      Description copied from class: Directory
      Returns the URL to the image associated with the specified user. If this method returns null, the user's initials are usually used as the user avatar.

      The image must be a square format, there is no size limitation. Accepted image formats are the formats supported by the browser.

      Default implementation returns null.

      getUserAvatarURI in class Directory
      See Also:
    • getUserInitials

      public String getUserInitials(UserReference aUserReference, Locale aLocale)
      Returns the initials defined in the user record.

      If not defined, returns the first letter of the first name and the last name.

      getUserInitials in class Directory
      See Also: