Class ReplicationUnit


public abstract class ReplicationUnit extends Object
A replication unit is defined by the data model.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ReplicationUnit

      public ReplicationUnit()
  • Method Details

    • newReplicationUnit

      public static ReplicationUnit newReplicationUnit(ReplicationUnitKey aUnitKey, Adaptation aDataSet)
      Returns the replication unit for the specified dataset and unit name.
      aUnitKey - identifies the replication unit, namely the table(s) to be replicated in the specified dataset.
      aDataSet - dataset for which at least one table will be replicated.
      IllegalArgumentException - if one argument is null, if the specified replication unit is not defined by the data model, if its refresh is not onDemand, or if the dataset does not match the replication unit definition.
      See Also:
    • getReplicationUnitsForTable

      public static final List<ReplicationUnit> getReplicationUnitsForTable(SchemaNode aTableNode, Repository aRepository)
      Returns all the replication units involving the specified table in the context of a repository.

      Returns an empty list if this method is called before the resolution of the replications units defined in the data model containing the specified node, or if this data model does not define a replication unit for the specified table node.

      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified node is null, or if it is not a table node.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified repository is null.
    • performRefresh

      public abstract ProcedureResult performRefresh(Session aSession)
      Refreshes the tables included by this replication unit. This method cannot be invoked from a running procedure.
      aSession - authenticated session allowed to perform the replication.
      the result of the execution; specifically, the success of the refresh must be checked using this object.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified table is not included by any replication units with the refresh policy onDemand.
      See Also:
    • performRefresh

      public abstract void performRefresh(ProcedureContext aContext) throws OperationException
      Refreshes the tables included by this replication unit.

      Caution: If the procedure context specifies a commit threshold, intermediate commits can be performed outside the execution of this method. However, the replication operations performed by this method are not taken into account by the threshold (and no commits will take place during the replication itself).

      aContext - context of the procedure currently running.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified context is null, or is not running on the same dataspace as the current dataset.
      IllegalStateException - if this method is not invoked from a still running procedure.
      OperationException - thrown if operation cannot complete, or if executed on the D3 replica delivery dataspace.
      See Also:
    • getReplicationUnitKey

      public abstract ReplicationUnitKey getReplicationUnitKey()
      Returns the key of this replication unit.
      See Also:
    • getReplicaTables

      public abstract Iterator<ReplicaTable> getReplicaTables()
      Returns the table replicas defined by this replication unit. Returns an empty iterator if this replication unit does not define table replicas.
    • getReplicaTable

      public abstract ReplicaTable getReplicaTable(SchemaNode aTableNode)
      Returns the replica of the specified table node.

      Returns null if the current replication unit does not define a replica for the specified table node.

      IllegalArgumentException - if the specified node is null, or if it is not a table node.
    • getRefreshPolicy

      public abstract RefreshPolicy getRefreshPolicy()
      Returns the RefreshPolicy of this replication unit.