Class UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle


public class UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle extends UIButtonSpec
Standard toggle button that calls a JavaScript command for each change of state. A command can be a function or a piece of JavaScript code.

The toggle button has two states:

  • When the button is deactivated: OFF
  • When the button is activated: ON

When 'OFF', the user can click the button and it stays in the 'ON' state. When 'ON', the user can click the button and it stays in the 'OFF' state.

Two JavaScript actions are associated with this button:

The toggle button can be used in a <form> and acts like a checkbox. To enable this feature, the input name must be set. If the state of the button is 'ON', the name will be sent with the value ON_PARAMETER_VALUE, if the state of the button is 'OFF', nothing will be sent.

The state of the button can also be managed in JavaScript with the function UIJavaScriptWriter.addJS_setStateToToggleButton(String, String).

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle

      public UIButtonSpecJSActionToggle(UserMessage aLabel, String aJSCmdOn, String aJSCmdOff)
      aLabel - the label of the button.
      aJSCmdOn - the JavaScript command to call when the button is set to 'ON'.
      aJSCmdOff - the JavaScript command to call when the button is set to 'OFF'.
  • Method Details

    • getJSCmdOn

      public final String getJSCmdOn()
      the JavaScript command invoked when this button is set to 'ON'.
    • getJSCmdOff

      public final String getJSCmdOff()
      the JavaScript command invoked when this button is set to 'OFF'.
    • getInitialState

      public final boolean getInitialState()
      the initial state to which this button is set (ON or OFF).
    • setInitialState

      public final void setInitialState(boolean initialState)
      Sets the initial state of this button. By default, the button is initially deactivated (OFF).

      The state of the button can also be managed in JavaScript with the function UIJavaScriptWriter.addJS_setStateToToggleButton(String, String).

      initialState - the value must be ON or OFF.
    • setConfirmationMessageOff

      public final void setConfirmationMessageOff(UserMessage confirmationMessageOff)
      Sets a message to confirm the action performed when the button is deactivated. A "Yes"/"Cancel" dialog will open when the button is deactivated.

      If the user clicks "Cancel" in the dialog, the action will not be called.

      To set a message to confirm the action when the button is activated, use UIButtonSpec.setConfirmationMessage(UserMessage).

      confirmationMessageOff - the confirmation message to set to the button when it turns OFF.
    • getConfirmationMessageOff

      public final UserMessage getConfirmationMessageOff()
      the confirmation message of the button when it is deactivated, null if it is not set.

      To get the confirmation message of the button when it is activated, call UIButtonSpec.getConfirmationMessage().

    • getInputName

      public final String getInputName()
      See Also:
    • setInputName

      public final void setInputName(String inputName)
      Enables checkbox behavior by setting its input name in the current form.

      The toggle button can be used in a <form>, to act like a checkbox. If the state of the button is 'ON' upon form submission, the value sent will be ON_PARAMETER_VALUE, if the state of the button is 'OFF', no value will be sent.

      By default, the checkbox feature is not enabled and input name is null.

      inputName - the value of the attribute name of the input checkbox, namely the name of the HTTP request parameter sent when the form is submitted.
      See Also: