Interface UIJavaScriptWriter

All Known Subinterfaces:
UIAjaxContext, UIComponentWriter, UIFormPaneWriter, UIFormWriter, UIResponseContext, UIServiceComponentWriter, UITableFilterResponseContext, UserServicePaneWriter, UserServiceRawPaneWriter, UserServiceWriter, WidgetWriter, WidgetWriterForList

public interface UIJavaScriptWriter
This interface provides methods to add JavaScript in the current response context.

The JavaScript added with these methods is pure JavaScript. It is not necessary to specify the script tag (<script>).

For an HTML document, the JavaScript is stored in a special container at the end of the document, to be executed when required.

The JavaScript is executed once the whole page is loaded, by the proprietary JavaScript code of EBX®. There is no need to set on-load functions (such as window.onload = myFunctionToCallOnload;), because the execution context is after the on-load event. It is possible to instantly manage the HTML elements written with UIBodyWriter.add(String).

Using the command document.write("some HTML"); is not recommended, because the HTML will be written to the end of the document, namely before the closing BODY tag </body>, and not within an HTML section added with UIBodyWriter.add(String).

Other JavaScript functions

A static JavaScript Catalog JavaScriptCatalog is available, to use with copy-paste in addJS(String) or directly in JavaScript files.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addJS

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS(String aJavaScriptCode)
      Adds some text to the JavaScript stream.
      aJavaScriptCode - JavaScript code.
    • addJS_cr

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_cr()
      Adds a carriage return to the JavaScript stream. The carriage return is important to properly split the lines of JavaScript code.
    • addJS_cr

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_cr(String aJavaScriptCode)
      Adds some text, then adds a carriage return to the JavaScript stream. The carriage return is important to properly split the lines of JavaScript code.
      aJavaScriptCode - JavaScript code.
    • addJS_openPreviewImage

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_openPreviewImage(String imageURL)
      Opens an image preview panel for the given image URL.
      imageURL - the URL of the image. Supported extensions: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, SWF.
      See Also:
    • addJS_openPreviewImageFromVar

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_openPreviewImageFromVar(String varName)
      Opens an image preview panel from a JavaScript var containing the image URL.
      varName - the name of the var containing the URL of the image. Supported extensions: BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, SWF.
      See Also:
    • addJS_setButtonDisabled

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_setButtonDisabled(String buttonElement, String isDisabled)
      Disables or enables a button.

      Buttons can be initially disabled with the method UIButtonSpec.setDisabled(boolean).

      Example to reactivate a disabled button jsWriter.addJS("var myButton = document.getElementById(\"MyButtonId\");");
      jsWriter.addJS_setButtonDisabled("myButton", "false");

      -- or --
      jsWriter.addJS_setButtonDisabled("document.getElementById(\"MyButtonId\")", "false");
      buttonElement - a JavaScript expression evaluating to a button HTML Element.
      isDisabled - a JavaScript expression evaluating to a Boolean.
    • addJS_setExpandCollapseBlockExpanded

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_setExpandCollapseBlockExpanded(String expandCollapseBlockId, String isExpanded)
      Expands or collapses an expand/collapse block.

      The id of the expand/collapse block is given by the method UIComponentWriter.startExpandCollapseBlock(UserMessage, boolean).

      Example to expand an expand/collapse block using its id String expandCollapseId = componentWriter.startExpandCollapseBlock(aUserMessage, true);

      componentWriter.addJS("var expandCollapseIdVar = \"").addJS(expandCollapseId).addJS("\";");
      componentWriter.addJS_setExpandCollapseBlockExpanded("expandCollapseIdVar", "true");

      -- or --
      componentWriter.addJS_setExpandCollapseBlockExpanded("\"" + expandCollapseId + "\"", "true");
      expandCollapseBlockId - a JavaScript expression evaluating to an expand/collapse block id.
      isExpanded - a JavaScript expression evaluating to a Boolean.
    • addJS_setStateToToggleButton

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_setStateToToggleButton(String buttonElement, String state)
      Sets the state of a toggle button.

      The JavaScript commands will not be executed.

      Example to set a toggle button to "OFF" jsWriter.addJS("var myToggleButton = document.getElementById(\"MyToggleButtonId\");");
      jsWriter.addJS_setStateToToggleButton("myToggleButton", "false");

      -- or --
      jsWriter.addJS_setStateToToggleButton("document.getElementById(\"MyToggleButtonId\")", "false");
      buttonElement - a JavaScript expression evaluating to a button HTML Element.
      state - a JavaScript expression evaluating to a Boolean (true for "ON" and false for "OFF").
    • addJS_addResizeWorkspaceListener

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_addResizeWorkspaceListener(String aFunctionName)
      Adds a JavaScript function to listen for workspace resizing.

      The JavaScript function will be called at the end of the page loading and each time the workspace is resized.

      Two JavaScript Objects parameters are given to the JavaScript function.

      The first Object parameter contains three fields:

      • h: the height of the workspace content region, not including tab titles and not including the bottom bar;
      • w: the width of the workspace content region;
      • vScroll (since 5.9.0): the width of the vertical scroll if it is present, or 0 if there is no scrollbar.

      The second Object parameter has been introduced in 5.9.0, since the workspace displays a translucent form bottom bar in the workspace. The goal is to let the developer choose the zone where the widget will be displayed. It contains four fields:

      • h: the height of the workspace content region, not including tab titles;
      • w: the width of the workspace content region;
      • vScroll: the width of the vertical scroll if it is present, or 0 if there is no scrollbar;
      • hScroll: the height of the horizontal scroll if it is present, or 0 if there is no scrollbar.

      Please note that isPaddingEnabled() from UIFormPane, UserServicePane and UserServiceRawPane are taken into account.

      Example to synchronize the size of an iFrame with the workspace size String jsFnListenerName = "syncIFrameToWorkspace";
      String iFrameId = "myIFrameToSync";

      componentWriter.add("<iframe").addSafeAttribute("id", iFrameId).addSafeAttribute("src", src).addSafeAttribute("style", "border: none").add("/>");

      componentWriter.addJS("function ").addJS(jsFnListenerName).addJS("(size, sizeIncludingBottomBarHeight) {");
      componentWriter.addJS(" var iFrameEl = document.getElementById(\"" + iFrameId + "\");");
      componentWriter.addJS(" = size.h + \"px\";");
      componentWriter.addJS(" = size.w + \"px\";");

      aFunctionName - a JavaScript function name, which will be called when the workspace is resized.
    • addJS_switchToPerspective

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_switchToPerspective(String aPerspectiveName)
      Changes the page of the highest EBX® frame to the specified perspective.
      aPerspectiveName - the name of the perspective, or null to have the advanced perspective.
    • addJS_switchToPerspectiveAction

      UIJavaScriptWriter addJS_switchToPerspectiveAction(String aPerspectiveName, String aPerspectiveActionName)
      Changes the page of the highest EBX® frame to the specified perspective action.
      aPerspectiveName - the name of the perspective, or null to have the advanced perspective.
      aPerspectiveActionName - the name of the perspective action, or null to have the default action.
      5.9.0 fix B