Interface UIFormPane

All Known Implementing Classes:
UIFormPaneFromPathList, UIFormPaneWithTabs

public interface UIFormPane
Allows to define an HTML content.

This pane may be used as the content of an entire form (using the method UIFormBody.setContent(UIFormPane)) or as the content of a specific tab (using the method UIFormPaneWithTabs.addTab(UserMessage, UIFormPane)).

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    This method allows this pane to declare that a padding must be applied on display.
    Specifies the HTML pane content.
  • Method Details

    • writePane

      void writePane(UIFormPaneWriter aWriter, UIFormContext aContext)
      Specifies the HTML pane content.

      For details on when the EBX® user interface invokes this method, see Life cycle.

      aWriter - the UIFormPaneWriter to use to add some built-in form rows, widgets, or simple HTML and JavaScript.
      aContext - a UIFormContext to request data and environment.
    • isPaddingEnabled

      default boolean isPaddingEnabled()
      This method allows this pane to declare that a padding must be applied on display.

      This only applies to root panes (panes that stick to the workspace), and root tab panes (in a tabbed pane that sticks to the workspace).

      The custom component designed with this pane is responsible for maintaining a free space around the workspace, to have a graphical coherence with the rest of the UI.

      UIJavaScriptWriter.addJS_addResizeWorkspaceListener(String) takes in account this declaration.

      Default value returned is true.

      true if a padding must be applied (default), false if no padding must be applied.