Interface Perspective

public interface Perspective
Interface that provides information about a perspective.
  • Method Details

    • getSectionItems

      List<PerspectiveSectionItem> getSectionItems()
      Returns a list of all sections defined in this perspective. Returns an empty list if the perspective is the advanced one.
      See Also:
    • getAllowedProfiles

      List<Profile> getAllowedProfiles()
      Returns the list of all allowed profiles of this perspective.
    • getDefaultActionItem

      PerspectiveActionItem getDefaultActionItem()
      Returns the action item that will be automatically selected when a user accesses this perspective.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the perspective.
    • isActivated

      boolean isActivated()
      Returns true if this perspective is activated.
    • isAdvanced

      boolean isAdvanced()
      Returns true if this perspective is the advanced perspective.
    • getLabel

      String getLabel(Locale aLocale)
      Returns the perspective label according to the given locale.
    • getDescription

      String getDescription(Locale aLocale)
      Returns the perspective description according to the given locale. Returns null if no description exists.
    • isAllowedForProfile

      boolean isAllowedForProfile(Profile aProfile, DirectoryHandler aDirectory)
      Returns true if this perspective is allowed for a given profile.
    • getTheme

      PerspectiveTheme getTheme()
      Returns the theme defined by this perspective.