Interface UITabularView

All Superinterfaces:

public interface UITabularView extends UIView
Provides information on tabular view.
  • Method Details

    • isDisplayableField

      boolean isDisplayableField(SchemaNode aNode)
      Returns true if the field is displayable
      aNode - the name of the field
    • getFieldsPaths

      List<Path> getFieldsPaths()
      Returns a list with the field path
    • getToolbarTableTop

      String getToolbarTableTop()
      Returns the toolbar on top of table
    • getToolbarTableRow

      String getToolbarTableRow()
      Returns the toolbar on table row of the view
    • getFixedColumnsPaths

      List<Path> getFixedColumnsPaths()
      Returns a list with the fixed columns.
    • getViewedSchemaNodes

      List<SchemaNode> getViewedSchemaNodes(SchemaNode tableNode)
      Returns a list with the view's schema nodes .
    • getRequestSortCriteria

      RequestSortCriteria getRequestSortCriteria()
      Returns the request applied on the view.
    • getPaginationLimit

      Integer getPaginationLimit()
      Returns the number of visible records.
    • isDisableCreateAndDuplicateInGridEditing

      boolean isDisableCreateAndDuplicateInGridEditing()
      Returns false if the user of this view can create or duplicate records from the grid edit.
    • isAllowGridEditing

      boolean isAllowGridEditing()
      Returns true if the user of the view is enable to edit the grid.