Interface UserServiceRawPane

public interface UserServiceRawPane
This interface allows to define a user service raw pane. A user service raw pane does not embed an EBX® form and therefore does not support most of EBX® widgets.

This interface is useful when one wants to implement an HTML <form> that is not managed by EBX®. For other cases, it is usually better to implement UserServicePane.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • writePane

      void writePane(UserServiceRawPaneContext aPaneContext, UserServiceRawPaneWriter aWriter)
      Specifies the HTML content of the view.
      aPaneContext - provides information about the current context.
      aWriter - the object to use to add HTML and JavaScript.
    • isPaddingEnabled

      default boolean isPaddingEnabled()
      This method allows this pane to declare that a padding must be applied on display.

      This only applies to root panes (panes that stick to the workspace), and root tab panes (in a tabbed pane that sticks to the workspace).

      The custom component designed with this pane is responsible for maintaining a free space around the workspace, to have a graphical coherence with the rest of the UI.

      UIJavaScriptWriter.addJS_addResizeWorkspaceListener(String) takes in account this declaration.

      Default value returned is false.

      true if a padding must be applied, false if no padding must be applied (default).