Interface UserServiceDisplayConfigurator

All Superinterfaces:
UIResourceLocator, UserServiceResourceLocator

public interface UserServiceDisplayConfigurator extends UserServiceResourceLocator
This interface provides methods to set up a user service display.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setHeaderDisplayed

      void setHeaderDisplayed(boolean isHeaderDisplayed)
      Displays or hides the user service header. By default the header is displayed.
      isHeaderDisplayed - if true the header is displayed, if false the header is hidden,
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String aTitle)
      Sets the title of the service. By default the label specified in the service declaration is displayed.
      aTitle - The title of the service.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(UserMessage aTitle)
      Sets the localized title of the service. By default the label specified in the service declaration is displayed.
      aTitle - The title of the service.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(UIFormLabelSpec aTitle)
      Sets the localized title of the service. By default the label specified in the service declaration is displayed.
      aTitle - The title of the service.
    • setURLForContextualHelp

      void setURLForContextualHelp(String aURL)
      Sets the URL for the help page and displays a help button. By default there is no help URL and the help button is not displayed.
      aURL - the url for the help page.
      See Also:
    • setCloseCallback

      void setCloseCallback(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Sets the close and cancel buttons callback. This callback is also called when the user clicks on the top right close button of a user service displayed in a pop-up window.

      Default callback simply closes the current service.

      aCallback - the callback.
      See Also:
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(String aToolbarName, ObjectKey anObjectKey, boolean isForTable)
      Sets the toolbar to one defined in a schema for a record or a table.
      aToolbarName - A toolbar name defined in the schema.
      anObjectKey - An object key of a record. The schema of this record must define a toolbar with a name equal to aToolbarName for location "table on top" if isForTable is true or "record form on top" if isForTable is false.
      isForTable - if true, the toolbar is for the table of the record, if false, the toolbar is for the record itself. In this latter case, the record cannot be a new one not yet persisted.
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(Toolbar aToolbar, ObjectKey anObjectKey, boolean isForTable)
      Sets the toolbar to one defined programmatically for a record or a table.
      aToolbar - The toolbar.
      anObjectKey - An object key of a record.
      isForTable - if true, the toolbar is for the table of the record, if false, the toolbar is for the record itself. In this latter case, the record cannot be a new one not yet persisted.
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(String aToolbarName, Adaptation aRecord)
      Sets the toolbar to one defined in a schema for a record.
      aToolbarName - A toolbar name defined in the schema.
      aRecord - The record. The schema of this record must define a toolbar with a name equal to aToolbarName for location "record form on top".
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(Toolbar aToolbar, Adaptation aRecord)
      Sets the toolbar to one defined programmatically for a record.
      aToolbar - The toolbar.
      aRecord - the record.
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(String aToolbarName, AdaptationTable aTable)
      Sets the toolbar to one defined in a schema for a table.
      aToolbarName - A toolbar name defined in the schema.
      aTable - A table. The schema of this record must define a toolbar with a name equal to aToolbarName for location "table on top".
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(Toolbar aToolbar, AdaptationTable aTable)
      Sets the toolbar to one defined programmatically for a table.
      aToolbar - The toolbar.
      aTable - A table.
    • setToolbar

      void setToolbar(Toolbar aToolbar)
      Sets the toolbar to one defined programmatically. Toolbar items that require a record or table will not be displayed.
      aToolbar - The toolbar.
    • setToolbarNavigationAlwaysDisplayed

      void setToolbarNavigationAlwaysDisplayed(boolean isAlwaysDisplayed)
      Sets the toolbar navigation display mode.
      isAlwaysDisplayed - If true, the navigation buttons will always be displayed. If false, navigation buttons will be displayed only if at least one of the callbacks for the first, previous, next or last buttons is set.
    • setToolbarFirstCallback

      void setToolbarFirstCallback(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Sets the toolbar "first" button callback. This callback is ignored by toolbars defined for a record.
      aCallback - the action callback that will be called when the user clicks on "first" button.
    • setToolbarLastCallback

      void setToolbarLastCallback(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Sets the toolbar "last" button callback. This callback is ignored by toolbars defined for a record.
      aCallback - the action callback that will be called when the user clicks on "last" button.
    • setToolbarPreviousCallback

      void setToolbarPreviousCallback(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Sets the toolbar "previous" button callback.
      aCallback - the action callback that will be called when the user clicks on "previous" button.
    • setToolbarNextCallback

      void setToolbarNextCallback(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Sets the toolbar "next" button callback.
      aCallback - the action callback that will be called when the user clicks on the "next" button.
    • newToolbarAction

      Action newToolbarAction(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Returns a toolbar action that can be used in a top toolbar. This action does not submit the current EBX® form.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when the action is triggered by the user.
      the toolbar action.
    • setBreadcrumbs

      void setBreadcrumbs(String... labels)
      Sets the header's breadcrumbs.
      labels - the label of each breadcrumb, from left (first label) to right (last label).
    • setBreadcrumbs

      void setBreadcrumbs(UIFormLabelSpec... labels)
      Sets the localized header's breadcrumbs.
      labels - the label of each breadcrumb, from left (first label) to right (last label).
    • setDetectionOfLostModificationDisabled

      void setDetectionOfLostModificationDisabled(boolean isDisabled)
      Sets whether or not the user is prompted for a confirmation when information have been entered in the form, but the page is abandoned before submitting the input.

      Default value is false.

      This value is ignored if the content is not in a pane.

      isDisabled - true to disable form detection upon leaving the page, false to enable it.
      See Also:
    • setAlwaysConfirmLeaveEnabled

      void setAlwaysConfirmLeaveEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
      Sets whether or not the user is always prompted for a confirmation when the page is abandoned before submitting the input.

      Default value is false.

      This value is ignored if the content is not an EBX® form or if setDetectionOfLostModificationDisabled(boolean) was called with value true.

      isEnabled - true to always prompt for a confirmation when the page is abandoned before submitting the input, false to prompt for a confirmation only if input was modified and the page is abandoned before submitting.
      See Also:
    • setFileUploadEnabled

      void setFileUploadEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
      Sets whether or not the EBX® form can upload files, that is if the form encryption type is in "multipart/form-data".

      Default value is false.

      This value is ignored if the content is not an EBX® form.

      isEnabled - true to enable file upload, false to disable it.
    • setContent

      void setContent(UserServicePane aCallback)
      Sets a callback used for rendering a pane.
      aCallback - the pane callback.
    • setContent

      void setContent(UserServiceRawPane aCallback)
      Sets a callback used for rendering a view pane.
      aCallback - the view callback.
    • setBottomBarDisplayed

      void setBottomBarDisplayed(boolean isBottomBarDisplayed)
      Displays or hides the user service bottom bar. By default it is displayed.

      Note: the bottom bar is always hidden if no button can be displayed.

      isBottomBarDisplayed - if true the bottom bar is displayed, if false the bottom bar is hidden,
    • setDefaultButtons

      void setDefaultButtons(UserServiceEvent aSaveCallback)
      Sets the default bottom bar. It displays the standard save, save and close, revert and close buttons.
    • setLeftButtons

      void setLeftButtons(UIButtonSpec... buttons)
      Sets the bottom bar left buttons.
      buttons - an array of buttons to display.
    • setCenterButtons

      void setCenterButtons(UIButtonSpec... buttons)
      Sets the bottom bar center buttons.
      buttons - an array of buttons to display.
    • setRightButtons

      void setRightButtons(UIButtonSpec... buttons)
      Sets the bottom bar right buttons.
      buttons - an array of buttons to display.
    • newCloseButton

      UIButtonSpecNavigation newCloseButton()
      Creates a specification for a close button. The label is based on the current EBX® configuration.
      the button specification.
      See Also:
    • newCancelButton

      UIButtonSpecNavigation newCancelButton()
      Creates a specification for a cancel button. The same callback as the close button is called.
      the button specification.
      See Also:
    • newSaveButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newSaveButton(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a save button. The label is based on the current EBX® configuration.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
      See Also:
    • newSaveCloseButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newSaveCloseButton(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a save and close button. The label is based on the current EBX® configuration.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
    • newRevertButton

      UIButtonSpecNavigation newRevertButton()
      Creates a specification for a revert button. The label is based on the current EBX® configuration.
      the button specification.
    • newBackButton

      UIButtonSpecNavigation newBackButton(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a back button.

      By default, the back button does not ask for a confirmation if the current input was modified.

      the button specification.
    • newNextButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newNextButton(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a next button.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
    • newFinishButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newFinishButton(UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a finish button.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
    • newActionButton

      UIButtonSpecNavigation newActionButton(String aLabel, UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for an action button.

      An action button does not update the fields value on the server side, it simply executes some callback. As a consequence, the callback cannot retrieve the new field values entered by the user if they have not yet been updated by Ajax.

      Furthermore, if the returned UserServiceEventOutcome by the callback closes the service or navigates elsewhere in the application, user-entered data will be lost.

      To be sure to get the new values when executing the callback, use the newSubmitButton(String, UserServiceEvent) method instead.

      aLabel - the button's label.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
    • newActionButton

      UIButtonSpecNavigation newActionButton(UserMessage aLabel, UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a localized action button.

      An action button does not update the fields value on the server side, it simply executes some callback. As a consequence, the callback cannot retrieve the new field values entered by the user if they have not yet been updated by Ajax.

      Furthermore, if the returned UserServiceEventOutcome by the callback closes the service or navigates elsewhere in the application, user-entered data will be lost.

      To be sure to get the new values when executing the callback, use the newSubmitButton(UserMessage, UserServiceEvent) method instead.

      aLabel - the button's label.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
    • newSubmitButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newSubmitButton(String aLabel, UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a specification for a submit button.
      aLabel - the button's label.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
    • newSubmitButton

      UIButtonSpecSubmit newSubmitButton(UserMessage aLabel, UserServiceEvent aCallback)
      Creates a localized specification for a submit button.
      aLabel - the button's label.
      aCallback - the callback that is called when a button is clicked by the user.
      the button specification.
    • newTabbedPane

      UserServiceTabbedPane newTabbedPane()
      Creates a tabbed pane.

      If this pane is added to a page whose structure may vary at each display, one should consider using instead the method {newTabbedPane(String).

      the new tabbed pane.
    • newTabbedPane

      UserServiceTabbedPane newTabbedPane(String anId)
      Creates a tabbed pane.
      anId - The id for the pane. If this pane is added to a page whose structure may vary at each display, id should be a fixed non null value. Not doing so prevents EBX® from reselecting previously selected tabs after a redisplay.
      the new tabbed pane.