Interface UserServiceSetupDisplayContext<S extends EntitySelection>

All Superinterfaces:
UserServiceInvocationContext<S>, UserServiceObjectContext, UserServiceObjectContextForInputValidation, UserServiceRequest

public interface UserServiceSetupDisplayContext<S extends EntitySelection> extends UserServiceInvocationContext<S>, UserServiceRequest, UserServiceObjectContextForInputValidation
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when setting up a user service display.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getPreviousTabSelected

      String getPreviousTabSelected(String aTabbedPaneId)
      Returns the id of selected tab of a tabbed pane prior to last submit or null if the tabbed pane was not yet submitted.
      aTabbedPaneId - A valid id of a tabbed pane.
      the tab id selected prior to last submit or null if the tabbed pane was not yet submitted or if id is unknown.