Interface UserServiceRequest

All Known Subinterfaces:
UserServiceAjaxContext, UserServiceEventContext, UserServiceGetContext, UserServiceGetCreatedRecordContext<S>, UserServiceInitializeContext<S>, UserServicePaneContext, UserServiceProcessEventOutcomeContext<S>, UserServiceRawPaneContext, UserServiceSetupDisplayContext<S>, UserServiceSetupObjectContext<S>, UserServiceValidateContext<S>

public interface UserServiceRequest
Defines an interface to provide information about a request for a user service.
  • Method Details

    • getSession

      Session getSession()
      Returns the current session. Never returns null.
    • getRepository

      Repository getRepository()
      Returns the current repository. Never returns null.
    • isInitialDisplay

      boolean isInitialDisplay()
      Returns true if the user service is being displayed for the first time.
    • canClose

      boolean canClose()
      Returns false if the close button or URL should not be displayed.

      In some contexts, a user service may not be closable. This happens, for example, when a user service is displayed by a perspective action menu with no selection on close configured.

      Current implementation automatically hides standard close and close and save buttons from the bottom toolbar but it is the developper's responsibility to hide URLs or other buttons that may close the user service without redirecting the user to another screen.

    • getParameter

      String getParameter(String aParameterName)
      Returns the value defined by the specified parameter in the HTTP request.

      If the specified parameter has multiple values, the returned value is the first one returned by getParameterValues(String).

      aParameterName - the name of the parameter.
      the parameter's value or null if not found.
      See Also:
    • getParameterValues

      String[] getParameterValues(String aParameterName)
      Returns an array containing the values defined by the specified parameter in the HTTP request.
      aParameterName - the name of the parameter.
      an array containing the parameter's values, null if not found.
      See Also:
    • getServiceKey

      ServiceKey getServiceKey()
      Returns the current service key.
    • getServiceModuleName

      String getServiceModuleName()
      Returns the name of the module that declares the service being executed.
      the module name.
    • getServiceLabel

      String getServiceLabel()
      Returns the label of the service, localized for the session current locale.

      The label of the service is specified in the data model, under the node xs:annotation/xs:documentation.

      the label of the service.
    • getServiceDescription

      String getServiceDescription()
      Returns the description of the service, localized for the session's current locale.

      The description of the service is specified in the data model, under the node xs:annotation/xs:documentation.

      the description of the service. May return null if the description is not available.
    • getCurrentPerspective

      Perspective getCurrentPerspective()
      Returns the current perspective.