Interface UserServiceTabbedPane

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public interface UserServiceTabbedPane extends UserServicePane
This layout divides the pane into a set of tabs.

More features (like using a documentation pane in the title or showing a tab with JavaScript) are available using UserServiceTab.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Get the id of the pane with tabs.
      the id
    • getSelectedTabId

      String getSelectedTabId()
      Returns the selected tab id or null if none is selected.
      the selected tab id or null if no tab is selected.
      See Also:
    • selectTab

      void selectTab(String aTabId)
      Specifies the id of the tab to select when the page is displayed.

      If no tab has this id, the default tab will be selected.

      The default tab can be the first one, if it is the first display of the form, or the last one selected by the user if form was already displayed.

      aTabId - the id of the tab to select.
      See Also:
    • addTab

      void addTab(UserServiceTab aTab)
      Adds a tab.
      aTab - the tab.
    • addAllTabs

      void addAllTabs(List<UserServiceTab> tabs)
      Adds a list of tabs.
      tabs - A list of tabs.
    • addAllTabs

      void addAllTabs(UserServiceTab... tabs)
      Writes an array of tabs.
      tabs - An array of tabs.
    • newTab

      Creates a new tab. Title should be set using one of the UserServiceTab.setTitle(…) methods unless tab is used for a home tab.

      Tab should be added afterward to the tabbed pane thanks to addTab(UserServiceTab).

      aPane - the content of the tab.
      the new tab.
    • newTab

      UserServiceTab newTab(String aTitle, UserServicePane aPane)
      Creates a new tab.

      The tab should be added to the tabbed pane using method addTab(UserServiceTab).

      aTitle - the label of the tab.
      aPane - the content of the tab.
      the new tab.
    • newTab

      UserServiceTab newTab(UserMessage aTitle, UserServicePane aPane)
      Create a new tab.

      The tab should be added to the tabbed pane using method addTab(UserServiceTab).

      aTitle - the label of the tab.
      aPane - the content of the tab.
      the new Tab
    • newTab

      Create a new tab.

      The tab should be added to the tabbed pane using method addTab(UserServiceTab).

      aTitle - the label of the tab.
      aPane - the content of the tab.
      the new Tab.
    • newTabsFromPath

      List<UserServiceTab> newTabsFromPath(ObjectKey anObjectKey, Path aPath)
      Iterates through a path and its children to create a tab for each path which should be displayed in the tab.

      Root node at aPath is added in a tab only if it should be displayed in the tab.

      The tab should be added to the tabbed pane using method addTab(UserServiceTab) or addAllTabs(List).

      anObjectKey - the key of the object to display.
      aPath - a valid path relative to anObjectKey, must not be a terminal descendant node.
      the list of new tabs. May be empty.
      See Also:
    • newTab

      UserServiceTab newTab(ObjectKey anObjectKey, Path aPath)
      Creates a new tab containing a standard pane representing aPath children. Children that should display is separate tabs are ignored.

      The tab should be added to the tabbed pane using method addTab(UserServiceTab).

      anObjectKey - the key of the object to display.
      aPath - a valid path relative to anObjectKey, must not be a terminal descendant node.
      a new tab.