Interface UserServiceTab

public interface UserServiceTab
A tab in a tabbed pane. The tab has a title text represented by a UIFormLabelSpec and thus can have a UIFormLabelSpec.DocumentationPane.

It is designed to be created and added by a UserServiceTabbedPane.

The id can be get, and be used to hide or show a tab via JavaScript. The initial hiding state can be set.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the id previously defined, or null.
      The id previously defined, or null
    • setId

      void setId(String anId)
      Sets an id for the tab.

      When tabs in a tabbed pane are dynamic (that is, their display depends on the record state), it is recommended to invoke this method with a stable identifier, to ensure the tab selection remains the same if the page is redisplayed after a page submit.

      anId - the id to set for the tab. The id attribute must respect the W3C Recommendation (in particular, by being unique in the page).
      See Also:
    • getTitle

      UIFormLabelSpec getTitle()
      Returns the label specification for title of the tab.
      the title of the or null if not defined.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String aTitle)
      Sets the tab's title.
      aTitle - the title.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(UserMessage aTitle)
      Sets the tab's localized title.
      aTitle - the title.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(UIFormLabelSpec aTitle)
      Sets the tab's localized title.
      aTitle - the title.
    • isInitiallyHidden

      boolean isInitiallyHidden()
      Returns the initially hidden mode for this tab.
      true if this tab is initially hidden or false if this tab is initially displayed.
      See Also:
    • setInitiallyHidden

      void setInitiallyHidden(boolean isHidden)
      Sets the initially hidden mode for this tab.

      The tab can be shown or hidden by a JavaScript function using the tab id.

      isHidden - true if the tab is initially hidden.
      See Also:
    • getPane

      UserServicePane getPane()
      Returns the pane associated with this tab.
      the pane.
    • setPane

      void setPane(UserServicePane aPane)
      Returns the pane associated with this tab.
      aPane - the new pane for this tab, cannot be null.