Class UserServicePermission


public final class UserServicePermission extends Object
Defines the permission for whether or not a user can display or execute a user service.

The possible states are:

  • enabled – the service is displayed or can be executed;
  • disabled – the service is not displayed or cannot be executed;

  • Method Details

    • getEnabled

      public static UserServicePermission getEnabled()
      Factory method that specifies that a user service can be displayed or executed in the current session context.
    • getDisabled

      public static UserServicePermission getDisabled()
      Factory method that specifies that a user service can not be displayed or executed in the current session context. This method does not provide a reason for this restriction. To specify a reason, use the getDisabled(UserMessage) method.
    • getDisabled

      public static UserServicePermission getDisabled(UserMessage aReason)
      Factory method that specifies that a user service can not be displayed or executed in the current session context. This method allows to provide a reason for this restriction.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isEnabled

      public boolean isEnabled()
      See Also:
    • isDisabled

      public boolean isDisabled()
      See Also:
    • getDisabledReason

      public UserMessage getDisabledReason()
      Only defined if this state is set to 'disabled' and a specific reason is provided.
      See Also:
    • parseFlag

      public static UserServicePermission parseFlag(String actionFlag)
      Factory method. The argument specified can be obtained by calling the method getFlagString().
    • parseFlag

      public static UserServicePermission parseFlag(char accessFlag)
      Factory method. The argument specified can be obtained by calling the method getFlagString().
    • getFlag

      public char getFlag()
      Persistent flag that identifies the permission.
    • getFlagString

      public String getFlagString()
      Persistent flag that identifies the permission.

      It returns the same content as getFlag().

    • isSameFlag

      public boolean isSameFlag(String aFlagString)
      Returns true if the flag specified is the same as the flag of this permission.
    • toDisplayString

      public String toDisplayString(Locale aLocale)
    • min

      public UserServicePermission min(UserServicePermission anotherPermission)
      Returns the most restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument.
    • max

      public UserServicePermission max(UserServicePermission anotherPermission)
      Returns the least restrictive permission between this instance and the instance given as an argument.