Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Documentation > User Guide > Collaborative features (Team Up)
Navigation modeDocumentation > User Guide > Collaborative features (Team Up)



Use the Team Up comments feature to discuss the details of a record. Add your own comments, or reply and react to comments from other users.


Adding a comment

Add a comment using the text input at the bottom of the Comments sidebar.


Editing a comment

Edit your comments by clicking the editing button in the toolbar (highlighted below). Note that comments edited by a moderator cannot be edited.

For details about comment moderation, see Moderating a comment.


Deleting a comment

Delete one of your comments by clicking the delete button in the toolbar located under the comment.


Replying to a comment

Reply to a comment using the reply button in the toolbar located under the comment.


Reacting to a comment

React to comments using the available reaction buttons in the toolbar located under the comment. Change your reaction by clicking a different reaction; remove your reaction by clicking the same reaction again.


Moderating a comment

Moderate and edit other's comments by clicking the moderate icon highlighted below. When editing other's comments you can leave a note that indicates why the original content was moderated.


For details about how to manage moderators, see Managing user access and Team Up features.

See also

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Documentation > User Guide > Collaborative features (Team Up)