Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Creating a 3D Interactive Map with TERR and threejs

If your data has location columns (latitude and longitude) from around the globe, and you want the user to be able to interact with the globe, you can create a graphic using the TERR-compatible threejs package.

About this task

You can use RStudio to create this interactive globe map, or you can use the TERR console and display the results in a browser. Perform this task from either RStudio or the TERR console.
Note: You can find samples for the threejs package used in this example on the internet. For more information, see

Before you begin

TERR, access to the internet, and a browser.


  1. From the TERR console or RStudio prompt, install the threejs and maps packages.
    install.packages(c("threejs", "maps"))
    TERR checks TRAN and then CRAN for the packages to install, and then installs them along with any packages they require.
  2. Call the library function to load the required packages.
    The packages and their required packages are loaded, and messages about any object masking are displayed, along with any warnings regarding TERR differences.
  3. Call the utils function , passing in the data set world.cities contained in the maps package.
    data(world.cities, package="maps")
  4. Sort the top thousand entries of the pop (population) column from world.cities into decreasing order, and assign the result to the object cities.
    cities <- world.cities[order(world.cities$pop,decreasing=TRUE)[1:1000],]
  5. Create the scale for mapping the cities by calculating the percentage of size for each entry in cities, and then assign it to the object value.

    This step establishes a comparison among the largest to smallest values in the cities object that can be shown reasonably on the globe.

    value  <- 100 * cities$pop / max(cities$pop)
  6. Call the grDevices package function rainbow.
    col <- rainbow(10,start=2.8/6,end=3.4/6)
    col <- col[floor(length(col)*(100-value)/100) + 1]
    This step sets the gradient of colors of the markers, and then calls the base package function floor to set the length.
  7. Call the threejs function globejs, passing in the arguments.
    globejs(lat=cities$lat, long=cities$long, value=value, color=col,

    This step renders the globe and displays the markers for cities, as defined by col.

    • lat is set to the lat column in the cities data.
    • long is set to the long column of the cities data.
    • value specifies using the percentage comparisons.
    • atmosphere specifies to display the WebGL atmosphere effect.


A browser opens, displaying an interactive globe, with markers showing cities by relative size.
threejs globe showing comparison of city sizes