Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Third Party Software Updates

Version 6.1 of TERR contains the following third-party software updates.

Key Version Summary
TERR-8062 6.1.3
  • cURL updated to 8.7.1
  • libxml2 updated to 2.12.6
  • Olson timezone database updated to 2024a
  • Applied mitigations to unzip for CVE-2015-7696, CVE-2015-7697, CVE-2016-9844, and CVE-2018-18384
TERR-8058 6.1.2
  • cURL updated to 8.5.0
TERR-8052 6.1.1
  • cURL updated to 8.4.0
  • libarchive (bsdtar) updated to 3.7.2
  • libxml2 updated to 2.11.6
  • OpenSSL updated to 3.0.12
TERR-8013 6.1.0
  • cURL updated to 8.2.1
  • OpenSSL updated to 3.0.10