Client Status Details

To see more details about a client, click its row in the client status table.

Client Information

This section presents information about the client as a process. To access this information using the web API, see Clients Status Objects.

GUI Field Description
Client ID Client ID (assigned by the FTL server).
Type Label A string denoting the client's type.
Realm Revision Revision number of the realm definition as stored in the FTL server.

This number increases each time you deploy modified definitions to the FTL server. This number does not change if the changes do not affect realm semantics (for example, modifying only a description string).

Status An integer representing the client's status.
Status Label A string describing the client's status. For descriptions of these values, see Client Status.
Client Label The functional role of the client process. For background information, see Client Label.
Connect Time Timestamp when the client first contacted the FTL server.
Uptime Time that the client has been running.
Last Contact Time Time of the most recent contact between the FTL server and this client.
Last Contact Delta Approximate elapsed time since the most recent contact between the FTL server and this client.
Other Info Additional information about the client, such as hardware, operating system, and process ID.
User The client supplied this value for the username property in its realm connect call.
Version Version string of the client’s TIBCO FTL library.
Host Host name of the client’s host computer.
IP Address IP address of the client’s host computer.
Identifier The application identifier of the client. The client passes this string as a property value when connecting to the FTL server.
App Name Application name (as configured in the realm definition).
App Instance Application instance name that the client matches.
Startup Time Time that the client process started running.

Application, Endpoints, and Queues

These sections present recent metrics from the client application. For explanations of these values, see "Catalog of Application Metrics" in TIBCO FTL Monitoring.

Recent Advisories and Recent Logs

These sections present the most recent advisories and logs from the client. The FTL server retains up to 25 items per client in each table. For acess to older items, see "Central Logging" in TIBCO FTL Monitoring.