Usage Count

You can view the amount of data that has been ingested and indexed over time, so that you can charge a subletting customer accordingly. Navigate to Dashboards > Advanced Dashboards > Advanced System Status to view a graph of ingested versus indexed data.

Note: If you change any of these values, restart mtask either by following the instructions on the screen, or manually by running the following commands:
  1. $ mtask stop
  2. $ mtask start
Configuring Data Usage Count
Field Description Default Value Permitted value
Ingest Count Update Period The frequency at which to calculate the total ingested bytes of data since the previous calculation 5 Between 5 and 60 minutes
Count Retention Retention period in days, for storing the ingest and index count information. The default value is 365 days. 365 Between 90 and 540 days
Index Size Update Period The frequency at which to calculate the change in disk space of indexed data 5 Between 5 and 60 minutes