Email Processing

You can configure TIBCO MFT Internet Server to send emails from a variety of pages and forward the emails to the defined server.

Email notification occurs in the following situations:
  • When a file is added to the system, email can be sent to all users configured to perform transfer of the file. For example, if you define a single user to access the file, an email can be sent to that user. If you define a group to access the file, emails can be sent to all users within the group.
  • When a file transfer is completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully, email can be sent to different email addresses based on whether the transfer is successful or unsuccessful. For example, you can send an email to the accounting department when a transfer is successful, and send an email to the help desk when a transfer fails. Email can also be sent for Internet Server transfers and Platform Server transfers and can have multiple recipient addresses separated by a comma.
  • Email can also be sent for the Platform Server to Platform Server transfers. They will be sent via the initiating TIBCO MFT Platform Server system and will not use the templates defined in TIBCO MFT Command Center or TIBCO MFT Internet Server.

TIBCO MFT Internet Server email can be configured to change the look and feel so that the emails are in any format that you want. TIBCO MFT Internet Server email templates are built using XML. They are simply files on the TIBCO MFT Internet Server server and can be changed using any text editor. No restriction is set to the number of email templates that you can define. The email templates can be customized for individual users and companies. TIBCO MFT Internet Server provides four different email templates. See Email Templates for detailed information of the four email templates.

To implement the email capability, you must configure the system to define when emails must be sent. See Configuring TIBCO MFT Internet Server for Email Support for information of how to configure TIBCO MFT Internet Server for email support.

See the following introductions for how to configure email notification for each situation: