Advanced TCP Template Definition

The TCP template property pages are similar to the transfer property pages. The following template property tabs enable you to define the advanced TCP template:
  • Template Tab:

    Fields Description
    Name The name used to identify this template. Make sure not to use spaces.
    Comment This field is optional. A comment can be used to give more description to your template. The maximum length of the comment is 64 bytes.
  • Transfer Tab

    See Transfer Tab section for more information on the parameters of this tab.

  • Notify Tab

    See Notify Tab section for more information on the parameters of this tab.

  • Advanced Options Tab

    See Advanced Options Tab section for more information on the parameters of this tab.

  • Expiration Tab

    See Expiration Tab for more information on the parameters of this tab.

    Note: The expiration date option is not usable for templates.
  • Post Processing Action Tab

    See Post Processing Action Tab section for more information on the parameters of this tab.

  • TCP/IP Tab

    See TCP/IP Tab section for more information on

    the parameters of this tab.

  • Accelerator Tab

    See Accelerator Tab section for more information on the parameters of this tab