Notify Tab
You can set notification to be received at the end of a transaction under the Notify tab.
There are three types of notifications: Email Notification, Local Only, and Remote Only. You can specify notification for success or failure by selecting the corresponding check boxes in each type of notifications.

Notification Type | Fields | Description |
Remote Notification | On Success
On Failure |
The emails of the user to notify when a transaction is completed. It notifies the user whether the transaction is successful or not. The check boxes allow you to define whether an email should be sent on Success and/or Failure. If specifying email in this field, ensure that you have completed the SMTP Server field under the General tab in the MFT Platform Server Properties panel. |
Local Notification | On Success
On Failure |
The emails of the user to notify when a transaction is completed. It notifies the user whether the transaction is successful or not. The check boxes allow you to define whether an email should be sent on Success and/or Failure. If specifying email in this field, ensure that you have completed the SMTP Server field under the General tab in the MFT Platform Server Properties panel. |
Email Notification | On Success
On Failure |
The emails of the user to notify when a transaction is completed. It notifies the user whether the transaction is successful or not.
The check boxes allow you to define whether an email should be sent on Success and/or Failure. Ensure that you have completed the SMTP Server field under the General tab in the MFT Platform Server Properties panel. |