Installing the 'spotfire' package on a Linux computer

Before you create an SPK to deploy on a Linux computer where Spotfire Service for Python is installed, you must first install the 'spotfire' package that is included in the download bundle .whl file, along with Spotfire Service for Python.

This step is not required for Windows installations because your Spotfire Service for Python installation already includes the package that builds the SPK.


  • You must have write access to the Linux computer running the node manager where Spotfire Service for Python is installed.
  • Important: You must have Python 3.7 installed on the system. The instructions below assume "python" will point to the system-installed Python 3.7.


  1. Locate the .whl file included in the Spotfire Service for Python distribution bundle.
    This file not in the SDN. You can find it in the zipped archive at python/spotfire-<version#>-py2.py3-none-any.whl
  2. Copy the .whl file to the Linux computer running the node manager where Spotfire Service for Python is installed.
  3. From the command prompt, browse to the directory where the Python interpreter for your Spotfire Service for Python is installed.
    By default, this directory is tibco/tsnm/nm/services/<Spotfire Service for Python name>/python.
  4. Run the following command.
    python -m pip install --target=<path-to-.whl> spotfire-<version#>-py2.py3-none-any.whl
    Where <path-to-.whl> is the location where you placed the .whl file, and <version#> is the version number that is part of the file name.
    The 'spotfire' package from the .whl file is installed into the Python interpreter.

What to do next

You can now use the 'spotfire' package to create SPK files containing Python packages from the node manager computer.