Pulling a Custom Docker Image from an Authenticated Repository
You can create a custom start script to configure Spotfire Service for Python to log in to a remote authenticated repository and pull a custom Docker image.
This option is available if you want to specify a base image for the docker container, but it is in a repository that requires authentication to access. To set the appropriate authentication credentials, you can execute a Docker login command when you start the service, but before starting the Docker container, as part of a startup hook script.
This task demonstrates accessing a Docker image stored in the AWS Elastic container Registry, which is an authenticated repository.
What to do next
If problems occur, troubleshoot by examining the Dockerfile that Spotfire Service for Python writes. After the service runs, this Dockerfile is available at the root service directory on the computer running the node manager. For example, /opt/tibco/tsnm/<server version_#>/nm/services/Python service Linux-<version_#_ID>/dockerfile/Dockerfile
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