Build a Spotfire Package for Spotfire Service for Python (Linux)
The installation of Spotfire Service for Python on your Spotfire Server includes a dockerfile that you can use to deploy a collection of Python packages to Spotfire Server and node manager running on the Linux operating system.
If you do not have login credentials for the Spotfire Server running on Linux, or if you have a large deployment of node managers running Spotfire Service for Python on Linux, then it might not be possible to install packages directly on the server. In this case, you can build your Spotfire package (SPK) containing the packages to distribute using a Docker container.
This version of Spotfire Service for Python includes dockerfiles that you can use to build an SPK for packages to use with the Spotfire Service for Python. You can build the SPK from either Windows or Linux.
- Building a Spotfire Package (SPK) for Python Packages from a Docker Image on Windows
You can build a Spotfire package (SPK) using a Docker image on Windows, and then place the SPK on a Spotfire Server running on Linux. - Building a Spotfire Package (SPK) for Python Packages with a Docker Image on Linux
You can build a Spotfire package (SPK) using a Docker image on Linux, and then place the SPK on a Spotfire Server running on Linux.